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Wissing perceives climate-neutral shipping as a hurdle

The German government plans to create a nationwide strategy for eco-friendly shipping by the following spring. Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) mentioned this during a kick-off event for the action plan in Berlin on Tuesday, highlighting the significant challenge of turning shipping into...

Containerschiffe liegen an einem Containerterminal im Hafen.
Containerschiffe liegen an einem Containerterminal im Hafen.

Delivery of goods takes place. - Wissing perceives climate-neutral shipping as a hurdle

In the upcoming National Maritime Conference set for spring 2025, State Secretary Susanne Henckel expects to present outcomes that can initiate implementation later.

The Economic and Climate Protection Minister, Robert Habeck of the Greens, stressed the importance of supporting the maritime industry while ensuring climate protection. He asserted that "transformation and competitiveness" can coexist with climate change mitigation efforts.

Various stakeholders, such as representatives from the shipping industry, maritime sector, energy providers, and industrial and environmental associations, are part of the strategy development process. This effort encompasses alternative propulsion and energy solutions, fleet upgrades, and industrial policy.

Germany aims to meet its goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2045. The most recent Federal Government Climate Protection Program 2023 includes a "roadmap" outlining the market launch of eco-friendly ship propulsion systems and fuels.

Last year, the United Nations' International Maritime Organization (IMO) required global shipping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to virtually zero before 2050.

Ninety percent of international trade relies on shipping. Large container vessels primarily use heavy fuel oil or marine diesel, with some opting for liquefied natural gas (LNG) - all fossil energy sources producing carbon dioxide. Approximately three percent of worldwide CO2 emissions result from global shipping.

Clara Thompson, Greenpeace's transport expert, stated, "Major shipping companies have been transitioning to sustainable shipping for years now," so it's time for the government to catch up". The problem, however, lies in the ambiguity surrounding the production of alternative fuels like e-fuels in significant quantities needed. "It'd be a significant step forward if the federal government stops promoting the idea that e-fuels might play a role in road transportation," she added. "Instead, they should be utilized where battery replacement is impossible, like in the aviation and maritime sectors."

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