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Windy and changeable weather expected in Saxony-Anhalt

People in Saxony-Anhalt will have to brace themselves for windy and changeable weather on Thursday. With lots of clouds and rain at times, temperatures will climb to up to nine degrees, and up to seven degrees in the Harz Mountains. The wind will be gusty in places. Gale-force gusts of around...

DWD - Windy and changeable weather expected in Saxony-Anhalt

People in Saxony-Anhalt will have to brace themselves for windy and changeable weather on Thursday. With lots of clouds and rain at times, temperatures will climb to up to nine degrees, and up to seven degrees in the Harz Mountains. The wind will be gusty in places. Gale-force gusts of around 110 kilometers per hour are forecast for the Brocken.

Friday night will be cloudy to overcast with light rain or sleet at times. Temperatures will drop to minus one degree. Snow is forecast for the north of the country and above an altitude of 500 meters. Friday will remain changeable, with a maximum of seven degrees. There will be rain and snow at times.

Weather report German Weather Service

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