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Windhorst failed to fulfill his commitments at the Nobiskrug shipyard.

Lars Windhorst's two shipyards have been in the news for their struggles with orders and management for several months. The Minister President has now joined in the criticism of the investor.

Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, speaks at the CDU federal party...
Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, speaks at the CDU federal party conference.

Giovanni announces release of 'Master' album. Giovanni unveils new studio album titled "Master." - Windhorst failed to fulfill his commitments at the Nobiskrug shipyard.

The leader of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Güther, attacked the business methods of Nobiskrug's owner Lars Windhorst after visiting the ailing shipyard. Güther said that none of the pledges made by Windhorst in March have been honored. "In Schleswig-Holstein, people value the principle that if you make a promise, you should keep it," Güther declared in Rendsburg on Monday.

One of the instances where Windhorst failed to fulfill his word is providing wages for Nobiskrug's employees, who have worked for a year. He promised to give them their salaries, but that never occurred, according to Güther. Windhorst also aimed to find a new managing director for Nobiskrug's facilities in Rendsburg and Flensburg by May 2024, but there's still no leadership team in place. "It's high time for Mr. Windhorst to take action," stated Güther.

Before this, Güther had discussions with the Nobiskrug shipyard's Works Council chair Marcus Stöcken and IG Metall about the yard's issues. In the previous meeting in March, Windhorst was absent, which Güther considered unfair, especially since the government is invested in resolving the shipyard's predicament.

"The workers' morale remains poor as we continue to deal with unfavorable conditions," remarked Stöcken. "Unfortunately, we can't undertake what we want - and that's building ships." Moreover, the safety standards at the shipyard are in dire need of improvement. For instance, the fire alarm system has not been checked. The information was passed on to Windhorst, but his response was non-existent.

Nobiskrug shipyard was acquired by the Flensburg Shipbuilding Company (FSG) in 2021. Similar to Nobiskrug, the FSG is owned by Windhorst and, as the State Chancellery stated, is one of the most significant industrial employers in the state's northern region. Combining FSG and Nobiskrug gives employment to around 600 individuals.

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The CDU in Schleswig-Holstein criticized Lars Windhorst's handling of Nobiskrug, a prominent shipyard in Rendsburg, highlighting broken commitments on wage payments and leadership appointments. Daniel Günther, the region's leader, expressed concern over Windhorst's failure to keep his promises, stating, "In Schleswig-Holstein, people value the principle that if you make a promise, you should keep it."

Trade unions such as IG Metall have expressed concern over the working conditions at Nobiskrug, with Marcus Stöcken, the Work's Council chair, commenting on the poor morale among workers and the need for improved safety standards, including a functioning fire alarm system. Günther had previously discussed these issues with Stöcken and other trade union representatives, expressing the government's commitment to resolving the shipyard's challenges.

The acquisition of Nobiskrug by the Flensburg Shipbuilding Company (FSG) in 2021, also owned by Lars Windhorst, makes it one of the most significant employers in the northern region of Schleswig-Holstein, creating employment for approximately 600 individuals. However, the ongoing challenges at Nobiskrug and FSG raise questions about Windhorst's ability to uphold his business commitments.

Faced with mounting criticism, Windhorst's inability to honor his pledges at the shipbuilding industry, be it wage payments or promoting new leadership, has impacted public trust in his capacity to manage these companies effectively, potentially affecting the overall shipbuilding industry in Schleswig-Holstein.



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