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Windhorst aims to share updates on the occurrences at their shipyards.

The shipyards operated by Minister President Günther's investor, Windhorst, are generating unfavorable news. Through criticism from Günther himself and a recent arrest warrant, Windhorst will visit Flensburg on Wednesday.

Lars Windhorst in the Kiel state parliament.
Lars Windhorst in the Kiel state parliament.

Construction of vessels - Windhorst aims to share updates on the occurrences at their shipyards.

Lars Windhorst, a controversial investor, will hold a press conference in Flensburg on Wednesday (2:00 pm) to provide updates on the situation at his troubled shipyards, Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG) and Nobiskrug. This comes despite the negative press surrounding him.

Recently, Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU) criticized Windhorst during a visit to Nobiskrug, stating that none of the promises Windhorst made in March 2023 have been kept. Among them, he cited that the owner promised to ensure employees' wages would be available for a year. Günther claims this has not happened. Additionally, the new managing directors have not been appointed as promised.

Just days after Günther's visit to Rendsburg, it was announced that the insolvency court in Hannover had issued a warrant for Windhorst's arrest. The arrest warrant was lifted on Tuesday after both parties agreed on a hearing date. Windhorst is accused of not fulfilling his duties in the insolvency proceedings. However, Windhorst's spokesman claims the allegation is false.

Read also:

  1. Despite the negative headlines surrounding Lars Windhorst, he is scheduled to provide updates on the status of his shipyards, FSG and Nobiskrug, at a press conference in Flensburg on Wednesday.
  2. The current situation at Schleswig-Holstein's shipyards, overseen by Lars Windhorst, has been a concern for Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU) who criticized Windhorst during a visit to Nobiskrug for failing to keep his promises made in March 2023.
  3. The company, FSG and Nobiskrug, under Lars Windhorst's leadership, has faced scrutiny in recent times, leading to an arrest warrant being issued against him by the insolvency court in Hannover for alleged failure in his duties in the insolvency proceedings, which was later lifted after both parties agreed on a hearing date.
  4. The local CDU party in Flensburg will likely be paying close attention to the press conference given by Lars Windhorst on Wednesday, as the troubled shipyards' situation has been a hot topic in the region, with negative headlines in local media.



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