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Will she face a vote of no confidence? - Opinions divided on TU President's performance

Geraldine Rauch, President of TU, finds her position precarious as some support her while others demand her resignation due to her likes on controversial posts. A decision might be imminent.

Geraldine Rauch, President of the TU Berlin, at a
Geraldine Rauch, President of the TU Berlin, at a

Educational institutions - Will she face a vote of no confidence? - Opinions divided on TU President's performance

The Mayor, the Central Council of Jews, and the TU Presidium are piling on pressure against TU President Geraldine Rauch as she faces criticism for liking anti-Semitic posts. According to reports, Mayor Kai Wegner mentioned in a public event that her actions are not wanted in Berlin's science scene. Just a day before, CDU General Secretary Ottilie Klein had also demanded Rauch's resignation through a newsletter to the state association, emphasizing that the situation at Berlin universities must be secure for Jewish students and employees.

With the pressure mounting, the Academic Senate will hold a meeting on Wednesday, where a majority decision could be reached. The TU Presidium consists of professors, academic staff, students, and staff for technology, service, and administration. To keep Rauch in her position, a simple majority is needed. However, for a dismissal, two-thirds majority is required.

If the Academic Senate votes in favor of her dismissal, the decision would move on to the Curatorium. The committee must also approve the decision with a two-thirds majority. Their meeting is scheduled next Monday. Awaiting a minimum of seven days before the next meeting, the Extended Academic Senate would then have to make their choice as well, with yet another two-thirds majority. If all three committees are able to vote for Rauch's dismissal with twelve votes out of sixteen, her termination would be final.

Meanwhile, students and employees are standing by Rauch's side. A poster was put up at the extension building of the TU, expressing support for President Rauch and urging her to stay. The General Students' Committee (Asta) of the TU has similarly shown solidarity by penning a letter, although recognizing concerns about her statements. They note Rauch's role in reducing the divide at TU Berlin and acknowledge her ability to handle sensitive topics thoughtfully. They also believe the attention given to her personal social media activities is disproportionate.

Criticism stems from Rauch's "I like it" reaction to a post containing images of Turkish demonstrators holding a sign with an image of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a swastika. The tweet claims the demonstrators are calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Rauch has since apologized, claiming she did not inspect the image below carefully, focusing on the text.

Lars Oeverdieck, TU Rector, has recently called for a speedy decision on Rauch's position. He has received demands for her resignation from political sources as well as within the decision-making body.

According to a Tagesspiegel report, 129 employees have expressed their support for President Rauch in a letter, condemning the intense attacks on her character. The signatories commend her for addressing sensitive issues with thoughtfulness. A decision regarding Rauch's future is anticipated soon.

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