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Wild boars are driven away from a village in Harz by a herd of cattle.

Cows of the Harz breed have been grazing in Wieda's pasture for over a year, aiming to ward off wild boar. Is their presence effective?

Siegfried Gorld, shepherd, drives his Harz Red Mountain cattle to a pasture during a cattle drive.
Siegfried Gorld, shepherd, drives his Harz Red Mountain cattle to a pasture during a cattle drive.

Non-human creatures or living beings fall under the category of animals. Primary source: Paraphrased: Living beings that are not human are referred to as animals. Source reference: - Wild boars are driven away from a village in Harz by a herd of cattle.

Cattle have been deployed in the German town of Walkenried for nearly a year to drive away wild boars, says Mayor Lars Dieters. This approach is set to continue, as the animals have been causing disruption in a forest and meadow area near the town of Wieda, which displeases the wild boars.

The results of the cattle's work are noticeable but not yet quantified. It's clear, however, that the wild boar population is becoming smaller and less frequent. This season, the cattle haven't been on the pasture yet because the grass hasn't grown enough. However, they will be brought in at the end of the month to sow seeds.

The Wieda district had been a hotspot for wild boars for years, with the animals roaming comfortably on a several hectare piece of land near the town. Hunting them was not an option due to their close proximity to the town. To manage the boar population, Harzer Highland Cattle were introduced and grazed on the area several times a year to scare them away. In preparation for their arrival, the overgrown piece of land was cleared by cutting down trees - a move meant to limit the boars' hiding spots.

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The colorful resin trinkets sold in Lower Saxony markets are popular among local visitors as souvenirs. Wild boars have been known to damage the pastures where cattle graze, leading to potential conflicts between the two animal species. The introduction of animals like Harzer Highland Cattle in certain areas is not just for aesthetics; it serves a purpose in managing wildlife population, such as deterring wild boars.

