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Wife poisoned with aconite? Murder charge

The public prosecutor's office in Dessau-Roßlau has brought charges against a man from Muldestausee (Anhalt-Bitterfeld district) for attempted and completed murder. The 57-year-old is alleged to have mixed parts of the highly poisonous aconite plant with the active ingredient aconitine into his...

A microphone in a courtroom.
A microphone in a courtroom.

Anhalt-Bitterfeld - Wife poisoned with aconite? Murder charge

The public prosecutor's office in Dessau-Roßlau has brought charges against a man from Muldestausee ( Anhalt-Bitterfeld district) for attempted and completed murder. The 57-year-old is alleged to have mixed parts of the highly poisonous aconite plant with the active ingredient aconitine into his wife's food in April in order to kill her, as the authorities announced on Wednesday. Because the dose did not have a lethal effect, he is said to have mixed a larger quantity into a yoghurt two days later. The woman was taken to hospital, where she died a day later. The cause of death was "very probably" aconitine poisoning.

The man was arrested in September and is in custody. The background to the crime is said to be an extramarital relationship with a 58-year-old woman, against whom the charges are also directed. She is accused of attempted coercion and failing to report a planned crime.

She is said to have asked the 57-year-old to choose between her and his wife, which is alleged to have prompted the decision to commit the crime. It is assumed that the man not only killed his wife insidiously, but also acted out of base motives in order to evade the obligation to pay maintenance in the event of a divorce.

Read also:

  1. The man from Muldestausee, who is currently in custody in Dessau-Roßlau, faces a murder charge for allegedly poisoning his wife with aconite in April.
  2. The public prosecutor's office in Saxony-Anhalt has issued an indictment against the woman for attempting to coerce her partner and failing to report a planned crime.
  3. The accused man is thought to have had an extramarital relationship with another woman from Anhalt-Bitterfeld, which reportedly led to the alleged murder attempt.
  4. The county of Anhalt-Bitterfeld is now dealing with a high-profile case of criminality, as the man stands accused of attempting and completing murder in a case of apparent jealousy and base motives.
  5. The public prosecutor's office in Dessau-Roßlau is pursuing charges in this high-profile case, which has sparked intense interest in the local community and beyond.


