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Why teachers in Germany quit their jobs

No teacher would give up their safety and privileges. The reasons why teachers leave schools speak volumes about the imperfections of the existing system.

Why teachers in Germany quit their jobs / Photo: Max Fischer /
Why teachers in Germany quit their jobs | Photo: Max Fischer /

Recently, there has been a growing trend of teachers in Germany resigning from their positions. Many enter this profession driven by values and convictions – one chooses a career because they are passionate about their subject, another because they love working with children.

Related topic: Anticipated salary increase in Germany in 2024

Now, more and more professionals are choosing to walk away from their roles, including those who were once staunch advocates. In North Rhine-Westphalia, for instance, the number of resignations has tripled in the last ten years, and in Saxony-Anhalt, more teachers have left schools this year than new ones have arrived.

Teachers in Germany quit their jobs for these reasons

There are three main reasons why teachers leave their jobs in schools, says Silvio Herzog. As a former rector of the Pedagogical University of Switzerland and a professor of pedagogy, he has conducted numerous studies on teacher training and professional biographies.

In his interviews dedicated to education, he discovered the primary motives.

  • Firstly, teachers resign for personal reasons, such as family considerations.
  • Many are also seeking professional prospects and career paths that they cannot find within the teaching profession.
  • The last reason is the overwhelming workload. Some simply cannot find a balance between work and personal life.

Isabel Probst, who coaches and supports teachers during career transitions, knows two more reasons.

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If teachers are very dissatisfied with the management of their school, they may also leave because of it. Sometimes, a conflict of values can lead to resignation, for example, if there is a significant gap between the teacher's ideals and the school's practices.

Not everyone who has doubts about their job or the school system ultimately stops being a teacher. Initially, many people are deterred by financial losses. Those who decide to leave believe that quality of life is more important than money.

When it comes to the attractiveness of the profession, for Isabel Probst, in addition to working conditions, the image of the teaching profession plays a crucial role. As a former teacher, she knows the prejudices against the perpetually lazy teacher as well as the terrible image of the chronically overloaded teacher.

She notes that both images do not correspond to reality. Teaching should be seen as a qualified profession requiring a broad range of skills.

Despite the anticipated salary increase in Germany in 2024, the trend of teachers resigning from their positions continues. Life in Germany as a teacher can be challenging, with reasons such as personal reasons, lack of professional prospects, and overwhelming workload driving many to leave. Furthermore, if teachers are dissatisfied with the management of their school or have a conflict of values, they may also consider resignation.

