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Why it is so difficult to consume sustainably

High prices, a multitude of different labels and ever new laws: All this makes it difficult for people to live sustainably, comments Classifieds CEO Paul Heimann.

Among other things, a large number of different environmental labels make it difficult
Among other things, a large number of different environmental labels make it difficult for consumers to consume

Classifieds CEO - Why it is so difficult to consume sustainably

Almost everyone has caught themselves at some point: the will to live more sustainably is actually there. But then it's the plane instead of the train, the schnitzel instead of the vegetable pan or the discount brand - and not the organic product. There is a technical term for this phenomenon: Attitude Behavior Gap. It describes the discrepancy between consumers' attitudes towards a topic - and their actual behavior.

This discrepancy is particularly pronounced in Germany. This is shown, for example, by the Circular Economy Study by Kleinanzeigen. In it, researchers from the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy calculated that even two thirds (65%) of people with a positive attitude towards the environment are only occasionally, rarely or never environmentally conscious. The reason for this is that it is often difficult for them to follow sustainable recommendations and alternatives in their everyday lives.

Paul Heimann has been CEO of Classifieds since June 2021

According to the survey, more than half of respondents (52%) find it difficult to assess whether sustainability information is trustworthy. And almost as many (45%) find it difficult to find out whether a product has been manufactured sustainably. However, both are particularly important to those who want to pay attention to sustainability when consuming.

This uncertainty is no coincidence. Because those who want to consume more sustainably actually face a number of hurdles. The first is the price table. On average, sustainable products cost 75 to 85 percent more than conventional ones. This was calculated by management consultants Kearney. At the same time, consumers are less willing to spend more money on sustainable products in times of inflation and rising prices. According to Monitor Deloitte 2022, their share has more than halved compared to 2021. Money is a factor.

Time is a factor

Consumers face the next hurdle when they want to recognize which items are sustainable - and which are not. A new law here, a new eco-label there. Even experts find it difficult to keep up. Especially in retail. With the EU energy label for electrical appliances, the organic label for food, the EU Ecolabel and the Blue Angel for various everyday products as well as the Green Button for clothing, the Federal Environment Agency recommends five labels for this sector alone. Getting to grips with all these labels takes a lot of time. And time is also a factor.

Legislators are also heavily involved. Members of the EU Parliament and the EU member states have agreed on new product specifications. Among other things, they want to ban eco-labels on products that are only used for advertising purposes. The aim is to make so-called greenwashing more difficult, with which companies give themselves a green image even though the products do not meet recognized sustainability requirements. Requirements that are reflected in laws such as the Circular Economy Act. This law was passed back in 2012, but new regulations will come into force from 2024. This means that you have to keep up to date with the new regulations, inform yourself and read up again. The willingness to deal with the constantly changing framework conditions is one factor.

The willingness is there - what is missing is orientation

High prices, a multitude of different labels and ever-changing laws: All this makes it difficult for people to live sustainably. Even those with a positive attitude towards the environment. Yet anyone who wants to make trade more sustainable should actually do the opposite - and simplify sustainable consumption. Instead of more and more new laws and labels, this requires incentives and clear rules. Incentives of a financial nature, such as the promotion of sustainable products, which leads to price reductions. Or stronger incentives to buy used items, because using existing items is sustainable per se. Rules and laws should serve as a guide for consumers - and not confuse them. A standardized eco-label for different product groups, for example, would be much easier to understand than five different ones.

After all, consumer willingness should not be an obstacle. A look at the Circular Economy study also shows that this is certainly high. Almost two thirds of respondents (60%) said that sustainability was important to them. For 44%, it has even become more important over the past two years. In addition, extreme weather (41%) and the presence of the topic in the media (29%) have led people to change their behavior in favor of the environment. However, many also believe that politicians (67%) and businesses (74%) have a duty to do more. A first step should be to finally establish clear rules.


Read also:

  1. In an effort to promote sustainability, eBay Classifieds in Wuppertal, Germany, is encouraging the use of their platform to sell and buy second-hand items, as part of the EU's sustainability initiatives.
  2. The Circular Economy Study by Kleinanzeigen, conducted in partnership with researchers from the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, and Energy, revealed that over half of German consumers find it challenging to determine the trustworthiness of sustainability information and the eco-credentials of products, such as the EU energy label and the Blue Angel.
  3. To help combat climate change and promote sustainability, the EU is considering implementing stricter regulations on greenwashing, prohibiting the use of eco-labels for products that do not meet recognized sustainability requirements, in line with the Circular Economy Act passed in 2012.


