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White rhinos give birth - celebration in Matamba.

The young white rhino, named Matamba, is thriving well in Hodenhagen, Lower Saxony, becoming the latest addition to the extensive family.

A young white rhino can be seen in the Serengeti Park Hodenhagen in Lower Saxony.
A young white rhino can be seen in the Serengeti Park Hodenhagen in Lower Saxony.

Hodenhagen Hosts Serengeti Park - White rhinos give birth - celebration in Matamba.

Excitement among young rhinos at Serengeti Park: a new member joins the family. A baby rhino, named Matamba, made her debut in mid-May. She's growing well, we're told by the park in Lower Saxony. Mother's milk is her sole source of nutrition, and she'll be drinking around 20 liters of it every day until she's weaned. Makena, born in 2013, has shown exceptional care for her young one.

Matamba marks the 55th white rhinoceros born at the park ever since it was established in 1974. There are now four white rhinoceros calves shared among the four mothers at the park. For a few more weeks, Matamba and her mother will stay hidden away in the peaceful nursery section of the park. Currently, there are twelve rhinos thriving at the Hodenhagen location.

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