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Where the money for the railroad is now to come from

The ailing rail network is to be made fit again with billions of euros. Following the budget ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, it is unclear where the money will come from. Will the federal government sell shares?

Billions of euros earmarked for the renovation of the rail network are no longer to be
Billions of euros earmarked for the renovation of the rail network are no longer to be financed from the Climate and Transformation Fund as planned.

Rail transport - Where the money for the railroad is now to come from

In November, passengers were once again made painfully aware of just how badly the German rail network is in need of renovation. Almost every second Deutsche Bahn long-distance train was delayed last month - partly because roadworks have been slowing down traffic for years.

The German government wants to change this and invest almost 40 billion euros in upgrading the rail network over the coming years. However, the Federal Constitutional Court has thrown these plans into disarray with its budget ruling.

As a result of the ruling on the Climate and Transformation Fund(KTF), at least 12.5 billion euros were suddenly up for grabs for the modernization of the rail infrastructure. For weeks, it remained unclear whether the government would stick to the planned investments and where the money would come from. Since Tuesday night, it has been clear that there will be no cuts to rail spending. The coalition announced on Wednesday that the investments would be financed by other means. There will be no cost-cutting measures for the railroads. "The modernization of the rail network remains a central concern of the coalition," said SPD member of parliament Detlef Müller.

Previously, it was planned that the billions of euros for the so-called general refurbishment of important rail corridors would come from the federal government's core budget in the coming years - primarily from revenues from the expansion of the truck toll. This remains the case. In addition, the federal government had already decided to increase the equity of the federally owned Deutsche Bahn AG by 12.5 billion euros. A further 12.5 billion euros were to come from the KTF.

This has now changed. Instead of the money from the fund, the federal government is aiming for a further increase in equity so that the Group can finance the investments itself, according to circles in the Ministry of Economics. This would ensure that the "urgently needed investment offensive" in the railroads continues.

Privatization option

There is already an idea as to where the money should come from: "We will privatize federal holdings that are no longer necessary and use the proceeds to strengthen Deutsche Bahn," according to finance ministry circles. Der Spiegel" reported that the government only wants to hold a strategic stake of 25 percent plus one share in Deutsche Telekom. In contrast, the traffic light is said to be planning to divest itself of more shares in the Post.

"It is good and right to put federal shareholdings to the test," said Valentin Abel, rail policy rapporteur for the FDP parliamentary group, in response to an inquiry. "Especially if this frees up funds for the urgently needed modernization of our infrastructure."

Deutsche Bahn is currently pushing ahead with the sale of its logistics subsidiary Schenker. It is currently looking for a buyer for the well-performing group. The funds from the sale are actually earmarked primarily for reducing the billions of Deutsche Bahn's debt. It is quite possible that a large part of the proceeds from the sale will now have to flow into the modernization of the rail network.

"The proceeds from the Schenker sale are very welcome for the renovation of the ailing rail infrastructure," said Green transport politician Matthias Gastel. "The management of Deutsche Bahn should no longer have to spend a lot of time looking after a global logistics company, but should finally concentrate exclusively on reliable rail services in Germany."

Initial restrictions for passengers

40 heavily used railroad lines are to be completely closed for around five months by 2030 and then completely renovated and upgraded. Work will start next summer on the Riedbahn between Frankfurt and Mannheim, one of the busiest rail corridors in Germany. The renovation of the Hamburg-Berlin line will follow the following year. Deutsche Bahn and the federal government are convinced that the rail traffic situation will gradually improve with each renovated corridor, as the capacity of the overall network continues to increase.

For passengers, however, the construction work will initially bring further restrictions. Travel times for long-distance and freight services will be significantly longer for months due to the complete closures. Regional passengers will have to switch to replacement buses. The planned costs for the renovation of the Riedbahn alone have recently risen and, according to Deutsche Bahn, amount to around 1.3 billion euros.

The rail industry reacted positively to the federal government's promise not to cut back on rail investments. "This allows rail transport companies and their customers to breathe a sigh of relief for the time being," said Neele Wesseln, Managing Director of the Association of Rail Freight Companies. The association organizes Deutsche Bahn's competitors in freight transport. "The traffic light has rightly recognized that the decades-long austerity course must not be continued."

The interest group Allianz pro Schiene also expressed its delight at the ruling coalition's decision. It is a milestone that the government has agreed to reduce environmentally harmful subsidies in the transport sector, Managing Director Dirk Flege told the German Press Agency.

Read also:

  1. Despite the needing renovation of the German rail network, the Federal Constitutional Court's budget ruling has created uncertainty regarding the financing of the 40 billion euro investment plan.
  2. Initially, it was planned that the funds for the general refurbishment of important rail corridors would come from the federal government's core budget, primarily from revenues from the expansion of the truck toll.
  3. However, due to the budget ruling, the federal government is now aiming for a further increase in Deutsche Bahn AG's equity to finance the rail network upgrades.
  4. Privatization of federal holdings, such as Deutsche Telekom, has been suggested as a potential source of funds for strengthening Deutsche Bahn AG.
  5. The construction of 40 heavily used railroad lines for renovation and upgrade will result in significant travel time increases for long-distance and freight services for months.
  6. The proceeds from the sale of Deutsche Bahn's logistics subsidiary Schenker are earmarked primarily for reducing the company's debt, but may now have to be used for railway network renovations.
  7. The Federal Constitutional Court's ruling, which allowed the use of funds from the Climate and Transformation Fund (KTF) for rail infrastructure modernization, has brought relief to the rail transport industry.
  8. The cost of renovating the Riedbahn line alone has recently risen to around 1.3 billion euros, more than the initially planned budget.
  9. The SPD parliamentary group's Detlef Müller emphasized that the modernization of the rail network remains a priority for the coalition, despite the challenges posed by the budget judgment.




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