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Where does all the Geiss family's money come from?

Pompous luxury living

Where does all the Geiss family's money come from?

They are one of the most famous families in Germany: the Geissens. An audience of millions follows them as they store, travel and spend money in other ways. Robert Geiss laid the foundations for their wealth in 1986.

Robert and Carmen Geiss have been sharing their life of luxury with television viewers for more than ten years. In the reality documentary "The Geisses - A terribly glamorous family", they and their two daughters provide a - skillfully staged - insight into their everyday life in the jet set. The 22nd season will be broadcast on RTLZwei from Monday - and the question arises: How did the Geissens get so rich?

Geiss, the son of a funfair outfitter, joined the family business after secondary school and completed an apprenticeship as a businessman. Together with his brother, he founded the bodybuilder clothing brand "Uncle Sam" in 1986. In 1995, they sold the company for 140 million Deutschmarks and split the money.

Shortly before this, Robert Geiss had married fitness trainer Carmen Schmitz. The couple have lived in Monaco for almost 30 years, which should be quite advantageous from a tax perspective. In November 2022, the entrepreneur and reality star estimated his assets at 100 million euros. "That's the pension, that's the basis so that I can still live quietly at the age of 70," said the 59-year-old in the "OMR Podcast". Carmen Geiss recently dismissed doubts about her large bank account in the German newspaper "Bild": "I no longer comment on such media reports. I've developed a thick skin in the meantime. I know that it's not true."

Geiss never tires of emphasizing that he has earned his money himself. Or as he put it in one of the first episodes: "If you don't do your homework, you don't go jet skiing!" According to Bild, the Geissens own a residence in Monaco, a villa in the south of France and a chalet in the French Alps. The couple recently bought a 500 square meter apartment in Dubai to spend the winter months there.

"Earning more money than you spend"

The docu-soap is a lucrative source of income. The production company behind the format belongs to the Geisses, with Carmen as managing director. In 2002, Robert Geiss said that the family earns 60,000 euros per episode - for the season broadcast this year alone, that would mean almost 2.3 million euros.

In May 2015, Geiss opened a luxury hotel near Saint-Tropez on the Côte d'Azur and named it "Maison Prestige". It is operated by "Roberto Geissini", a label under which the Geisses also sell a fashion brand. The two are also said to be active in the real estate business, buying properties and reselling them at a higher price after renovation. The family is likely to have generated considerable income from their advertising contracts.

Robert Geiss is also active on the stock market - but not always successfully. "Wirecard cost me money. But thank God it was only a few hundred thousand that was gone," he said in the "OMR Podcast". As the "Business Insider" reported last spring, the family's other ventures were not running smoothly either.

Only the Geissens know how much money the family actually has. "We have a joint account. No matter who earns how much, everything goes into it - and down again," Carmen told Bild. "We both know that you should always earn more money than you spend. We've lived by this motto our whole lives," says Robert. "Of course we spend a lot of money when we buy houses or jewelry. But we invest wisely. And we know what a pound of butter costs. That's how we were brought up at home. We weren't born millionaires, after all."

Read also:

The Geiss family's wealth from the reality-TV series "The Geisses - A terribly glamorous family" brings in substantial income, with each episode earning them around 60,000 euros. As Millionaires, they invest wisely and share their luxury lifestyle on the show, emphasizing that they've earned their fortune through hard work and frugality.


