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Where admission to the outdoor pool has become more expensive and where it has not

Even if the recent weather in many places has not been conducive to a visit to the outdoor pool, there are certainly more beautiful summer days to come. Admission costs more in several cities, but not in others.

There are different trends in the development of admission prices for outdoor pools. (symbolic...
There are different trends in the development of admission prices for outdoor pools. (symbolic image)

Price development - Where admission to the outdoor pool has become more expensive and where it has not

In several cities in Lower Saxony, visitors will have to pay more for entrance to public pools (Freibäder) this summer than in the previous year. In some cities, prices have remained constant, according to a survey by the German Press Agency. Here are the prices on site:

Hannover: The prices in Hannover's public pools have remained the same for years – the last increase was in 2018. Adults pay 4.50 Euro for admission, children 2.50 Euro. Due to a shortage of staff, there may be restrictions. The Hainholzer Naturbad can only open during school holidays, and the Misburg Hallenbad could not open during that time.

Osnabrück: The city of Osnabrück announced that adults will have to pay 20 cents more (6.32 Euro) for admission to the Moskaubad, the only public pool in the city, this summer compared to the previous year. Children will pay 4.82 Euro, also 20 cents more. "Pools are very energy-intensive facilities, and price increases, despite all energy-saving measures like the use of renewable energy, are fully absorbed," a spokesperson for the city utilities said. They emphasized that price comparisons between public pools are not particularly meaningful – for example, due to differences in attractions and swimming opportunities.

Braunschweig: The prices in Braunschweig's three public pools range from 4 to 5.30 Euro for adults and from 3 to 4.30 Euro for children this summer, which is 10 cents more per daily ticket than last year. "Price adjustments were essentially due to increased energy and labor costs, as well as investments in new attractions and a more environmentally friendly operation of our facilities," a spokesperson for the city pool said.

Oldenburg: The last price increase in Oldenburg was more than six years ago. Adults pay 4 Euro for admission, and children pay 2.50 Euro.

Göttingen: Adults must pay 4.50 Euro for a day at the public pool in Göttingen this summer, an increase of 1 Euro compared to the previous summer. Children pay 2.80 Euro, an increase of 60 cents. The price increase was attributed to higher energy and personnel costs. A hallenbad in the city has shortened its opening hours by several hours a day to ensure sufficient staff for the public pools, according to a spokesperson.

In contrast to Oldenburg, where prices for adults at the public pool have increased by 1 Euro, children's admission fees have only risen by 60 cents in Göttingen this summer. Similar price increases can be observed in Braunschweig, where adults and children will pay 10 cents more for their daily tickets compared to the previous year. Interestingly, Hanover's public pool prices have remained stable for years, with no increase since 2018. Meanwhile, adults in Osnabrück's only public pool, the Moskaubad, will have to pay an additional 20 cents for admission, while children will pay 4.82 Euro, also an increase of 20 cents. Leisure time enthusiasts in Lower Saxony's cities should be aware of these price developments this summer, whether they're planning to visit the outdoor pool in Osnabrück or enjoy a day at the Hainholzer Naturbad in Hanover.

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