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When neighbors heat too little or not at all

Tenants in the heating cost trap

Non-heating can lead to
Non-heating can lead to

When neighbors heat too little or not at all

We expect comfort and warmth within our own four walls, but what happens when it gets freezing cold instead? One cause may be a neighbor who turns down their heating to save money. How this behavior affects our heating costs and quality of life is a complex matter.

Cold snap in the home: the influence of neighbors

In apartment buildings with thin, poorly insulated interior walls, a neighbor's heating behavior can have a significant impact. If the neighboring apartment is cold, adjacent households have to turn up their heating to achieve comfortable temperatures. This leads to higher heating costs and an imbalance in heat distribution in the house.

Study results on the subject of heating costs

A study by the "Alliance for a climate-neutral housing stock" produced interesting findings: In a test house, heating costs in neighboring apartments increased significantly when one apartment was deliberately kept cooler. This effect makes it clear that individual heating behavior not only affects one's own home, but can also have a financial impact on the neighborhood.

The hidden dangers of not heating

Not heating enough is not just a question of cost or comfort, but also carries serious risks. Mold growth due to moisture is a common consequence. This can not only damage the building fabric, but also cause serious health problems, especially for people with respiratory diseases.

Dangerous types of mold:

Black mold (Stachybotrys chartarum):

  • Particularly known for its toxicity.
  • Produces mycotoxins that can cause serious health problems.
  • Often appears black or dark green and has a slimy or velvety texture.


  • Can be found in many environments.
  • Sometimes produces aflatoxins, which are considered carcinogenic.
  • Appearance varies in color and texture.


  • Can cause allergic reactions.
  • Often blue or green and velvety


  • Can cause respiratory problems if the immune system is weak.
  • Usually olive green to brown and has a powdery texture

Tenant obligations: Heating and ventilation according to regulations

Tenancy law obliges tenants to use their homes properly. This also includes adequate heating and ventilation to prevent damage such as mold and damp. The obligation to heat is particularly relevant in the winter months in order to avoid damage to the building and health risks.

Legal framework conditions: Limited claims

Interestingly, neighbors who are affected by the cold from a neighboring apartment have no legal means of enforcing heating. This is because a tenant's obligations are primarily to the landlord and not to the neighbors. Nevertheless, the landlord can intervene if the building is damaged by the tenant's failure to heat and issue the tenant with a warning. If the tenant does not change their heating behavior, they may even be given notice to quit.

Who bears the costs for damage and high heating costs?

If damage is caused by a neighbor's failure to heat, all tenants in the building may be charged higher ancillary costs. These costs can then be passed on to all tenants via the annual service charge bill. In extreme cases, mold and moisture damage may even require comprehensive remediation.

Prevention and technical solutions

To minimize the risk of high heating costs and damage, a combination of measures and good communication is required.

  • Improved insulation can reduce heat loss, while regular airing helps to prevent damp and mold growth.
  • An open dialog with neighbors about heating habits can help to develop a common understanding of the need for appropriate heating.
  • Regulations on the maintenance and efficiency of heating systems can also help to optimize the overall heating costs for a building.

In apartment buildings with poor insulation, a neighbor's decision to keep their heating low can significantly increase the heating costs for adjacent households, as they may need to boost their own heating to maintain comfortable temperatures. This situation also leads to an uneven distribution of heat within the house.

Given the study results, it's evident that a neighbor's conscious choice to reduce heating can impact not only their own heating costs but also affect the financial situation of the surrounding apartments in the neighborhood.


