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What's the most affordable period for refueling?

Filling up with fuel at specific times of the day can result in savings, yet an ADAC analysis demonstrates that the variations across the day are becoming less prominent.

Refueling is still cheapest in the evening.
Refueling is still cheapest in the evening.

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The daily changes in gas prices are happening more frequently but also with smaller variations, reveals a recent study by ADAC. In May, the difference between the highest and lowest price of the day for E10 gasoline stood at 6.4 cents, while for diesel it was 7.3 cents. This is a decrease of 1.7 cents for gasoline and 1.6 cents for diesel from the same month last year. ADAC examined the gas prices at approximately 14,000 stations in Germany.

Filling up is still most affordable during nighttime. However, the period with the lowest price has shifted slightly. As per ADAC expert Christian Laberer, "A year ago, the lowest price was between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm. Now it's having two timeframes: between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm and between 10:00 pm and 11:00 pm." In the meantime, a new, short peak in prices appears, which temporarily increases the prices by 2 cents.

The total number of price changes throughout the day has increased by one, now accounting for eight. The highest price was spotted by ADAC at 7:15 am. Prices then start to decline in waves. Notably, they drop significantly below the average daily price at 11:45 am for the very first time.

Despite the differences shrinking, Laberer still suggests comparing prices and strategic tanking: "Those who can reach a cheap gas station at an optimum time can save more than 10 cents per liter in comparison to an expensive station in an expensive time."

This advice likewise applies to summer vacations: "If you're heading on a trip, it's recommended to fill up as early as possible, which is way cheaper than during the morning. Plus, you'll save time and avoid having to travel to pricier service stations on the highways."

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