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What's next for the abattoir? Decision postponed

What will happen to the Bamberg abattoir? The city council is not expected to make a decision on this until mid-2024. On the one hand, the plant is becoming increasingly important for the northern Bavarian meat market; on the other hand, some would prefer to build apartments on the site.

Pork halves hanging in the cold store at the Bamberg
Pork halves hanging in the cold store at the Bamberg

What's next for the abattoir? Decision postponed

The decision on the future of the Bamberg abattoir has been delayed. A feasibility study is being carried out to work out different scenarios for a possible closure of the plant, a city spokesperson said on request. However, it will be some time before the study is available. "Such a far-reaching decision on whether to close or continue operating permanently takes time, as it has to take all relevant aspects into account," emphasized the spokesperson. The current aim is to reach a decision by mid-2024.

Around a year ago, the city council postponed the decision on whether to continue slaughtering in Bamberg until the end of 2023. Schlachthof Bamberg GmbH is in municipal hands. The future of the abattoir north of Bamberg's city center has been the subject of debate ever since it got into financial difficulties due to various crises in recent years. Some city councillors would prefer to see apartments on the 5.5-hectare site. It is also undisputed that investments in the millions will be necessary if the abattoir is to continue operating.

On the other hand, the city emphasizes that the Bamberg abattoir is playing an increasingly important role for the meat market throughout northern Bavaria. In 2021 and 2022, 28,000 pigs and 3,500 cattle were slaughtered per month in Bamberg, says the city spokesperson. Elsewhere, for example in Aschaffenburg and Kronach, farms have recently been closed. Smaller farms with lower slaughter numbers are less and less able to keep up.

The city of Bamberg also reports that Bavaria's Minister of Economic Affairs, Hubert Aiwanger (Freie Wähler), has promised the abattoir funding. In the near future, a plan with the necessary investments for the future of the abattoir is to be presented to the city council and the ongoing negotiations with the company's major customers are to be concluded.

The abattoir in Bamberg, located in Upper France, is a significant contributor to the meat market in northern Bavaria, processing over 28,000 pigs and 3,500 cattle each month. The local municipalities are currently considering various scenarios for the future of the abattoir, which is owned by Schlachthof Bamberg GmbH, in light of recent financial difficulties and ongoing debates.




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