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What happens after elementary school? - Tests and earlier information

A child reports to an elementary
A child reports to an elementary

What happens after elementary school? - Tests and earlier information

In Saxony-Anhalt, parents generally decide which type of school their children attend after elementary school - but in future there will also be tests. From the 2024/25 school year, these tests will be required if a fourth-grader does not receive a recommendation for grammar school but the parents would like them to do so. According to a letter published by the Ministry of Education on Monday, there will be oral and written assessments in the subjects German and mathematics.

The Left Party parliamentary group criticized the procedure as a pointless additional burden for teachers, parents and pupils. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Education said that the aim of the procedure was to ensure that children who can meet the requirements attend grammar school.

In future, the children of parents whose wishes differ from the recommendation of the elementary school will have to answer standardized tasks in a written test at the elementary school they attend. The pupils will also have to take an oral test at a nearby grammar school. The decision is still made by the parents or guardians.

In addition, in future, parents' meetings on school choice will be offered as early as the third grade. The letter from the Ministry of Education states that the requirements should also be discussed. Individual advice should then be given at the learning development meetings in the second semester.

After elementary school, parents in Saxony-Anhalt choose the type of school for their children, but from 2024/25, there will be tests if a fourth-grader isn't recommended for grammar school but the parents wish for it. Parents' meetings about school choice, including the discussion of requirements, will be offered to third-graders, with individual advice provided later.




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