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Wet year 2022/23 replenishes Hamburg's groundwater reserves

Above-average rainfall has significantly replenished Hamburg's groundwater reserves over the past year. "The overall increase in rainfall since 2021 means that the groundwater bodies in and around Hamburg can breathe a little easier and the pressure on the resource is decreasing," said Ingo...

Ingo Hannemann, Managing Director of Hamburg Wasser, presents the annual Water Report 2023 at
Ingo Hannemann, Managing Director of Hamburg Wasser, presents the annual Water Report 2023 at a press conference.

Environment - Wet year 2022/23 replenishes Hamburg's groundwater reserves

Above-average rainfall has significantly replenished Hamburg's groundwater reserves over the past year. "The overall increase in rainfall since 2021 means that the groundwater bodies in and around Hamburg can breathe a little easier and the pressure on the resource is decreasing," said Ingo Hannemann, head of the municipal utility Hamburg Wasser, at the presentation of the annual water report on Friday.

According to the report, the hydrological year 2022/2023 (until the end of October) was a particularly wet year in the Hanseatic city. At almost 900 millimetres, around 20 percent more rain fell at the weather station in Fuhlsbüttel than the long-term average since 1891, which is 750 millimetres. "The thirty-year average (1991-2020) of 770 millimetres is also far exceeded by the 2022/2023 rainfall year."

Over the course of twelve months, only three months were below the average rainfall, five months had relatively average rainfall and four months had extremely above-average rainfall in some cases.

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The abundance of rainfall in Hamburg contributed to a significant increase in its overall water supply, benefiting both the environment and the city's groundwater reserves. Despite three months experiencing below-average rainfall, the remaining months experienced above-average rainfall, resulting in a rainfall year 2022/2023 that exceeded the long-term average and the thirty-year average by a considerable margin, totaling almost 900 millimeters.




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