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Werder seeks new namesake for Weserstadion

The Weserstadion is called the Weserstadion again. Werder fans are happy about that. But the club still wants to change that.

The Weser Stadium in Bremen.
The Weser Stadium in Bremen.

Bundesliga - Werder seeks new namesake for Weserstadion

Werder Bremen is looking for a new namesake for the Weserstadion. The partnership with Wohninvest ends on June 30 due to the insolvency of the real estate company, as the Bundesligist announced. "We are currently in talks about new solutions for the naming sponsorship of our stadium. There is a financing need due to the redevelopment from 2008 to 2010 that needs to be covered," explained Werder-Boss Klaus Filbry.

"Both on the part of the city as well as on our part and the Bremer Weser-Stadion GmbH, the financial necessity of this measure is undisputed," said Filbry. However, Werder wants to take its time in the search for a new namesake. The topic is "complex and emotionally charged," said Filbry, "so we will give ourselves sufficient time for it."

In the past, Werder fans have repeatedly protested against the sale of the stadium naming rights.

Werder statement

  1. The Weser Stadium, previously named due to a partnership with Wohninvest, will require a new namesake for Werder Bremen, as the real estate company is facing insolvency.
  2. Klaus Filbry, the Werder Boss, stated that the Bundesligist is currently in talks for new solutions for the stadium's naming sponsorship, due to financial needs from the redevelopment between 2008 and 2010.
  3. Filbry emphasized that both the city, the Bremer Weser-Stadion GmbH, and Werder Bremen itself acknowledge the financial necessity of securing a new sponsor for the Weser Stadium.
  4. Despite the emotional significance of the topic, Werder Bremen intends to take its time in finding a suitable new namesake for the Weser Stadium, as indicated by Filbry.
  5. The issue of selling the Weser Stadium's naming rights has been a subject of protest among Werder fans in the past.

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