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Weißenfels fire department mourns injured comrade

The serious car accident near Naumburg still shocks the region days after the accident. Three young people died. The drunk driver is being investigated for involuntary manslaughter.

A 21-year-old member of the Weißenfels fire department was also killed in a serious traffic...
A 21-year-old member of the Weißenfels fire department was also killed in a serious traffic accident. (archive picture)

Traffic accident - Weißenfels fire department mourns injured comrade

A young firefighter is among the victims of the severe traffic accident with three fatalities in Naumburg. The 21-year-old was a volunteer member of the Leißling local fire department, according to Weissenfels City Fire Department Leader Sebastian Busch. The news came as a shock. He had been an engaged colleague. A mourning service is scheduled for Tuesday evening at the Schöneburg Church.

Three young people lost their lives in the accident that occurred Monday night. Besides the 21-year-old, there were also two women, aged 19. The prosecutor has initiated investigations, among other things, for negligent manslaughter against the 43-year-old driver. Alcohol was detected in his blood within the legal framework. The five people involved in the accident came from a folk festival in Naumburg.

The traffic accident in Naumburg resulted in three fatalities, including a volunteer firefighter from the Weißenfels area. The accident on Monday night also claimed the lives of two young women, age 19. Following the incident, the local fire department and authorities initiated investigations, citing negligent manslaughter as one of the potential charges against the 43-year-old driver, who had consumed alcohol within legal limits.

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