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Weil on the Pisa study: Language is neglected in families

The poor performance of German pupils in the Pisa study comes as no surprise to Lower Saxony's head of government. He sees it as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic - but he is also concerned about something else.

A copy of the Pisa Study 2022 is on display at the presentation of the study at the Federal
A copy of the Pisa Study 2022 is on display at the presentation of the study at the Federal Press Conference.

Education - Weil on the Pisa study: Language is neglected in families

For Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil, Germany's poor PISA result is also due to the difficult circumstances in many families. "When I'm out and about at schools and daycare centers, I'm always told about families in which a flicker box is on all day, but they don't eat together," the SPD politician told the German Press Agency on Wednesday. "But a lot of language development happens when you simply talk to each other."

Many children need language support - "and not just those who come from immigrant families", said Weil. The state must increasingly compensate for the situation in many families. "Unfortunately, however, this compensation is rarely as effective as what could happen in families," said the head of government.

He was not surprised by the Pisa results, even against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic. "The fact that the development of young people and their performance has indeed been impaired is certainly one of the downsides of the anti-corona measures," said Weil.

However, schools and daycare centers are trying very hard to counteract this - for example with early childhood support. "We will continue to work to ensure that there are more young people who choose to work in a crèche or daycare center," said Weil. More people should receive a training allowance. With regard to schools, Weil reminded the audience that teachers at primary, secondary and intermediate schools are to receive more money from the coming school year.

German pupils performed worse than ever before in the international Pisa performance study in 2022. In reading as well as mathematics and science, these were the lowest scores ever measured for Germany in the Pisa study. Across Germany, 257 schools took part in the Pisa study, 26 of which were in Lower Saxony. Results at state level are not available.

Read also:

  1. Despite the challenging circumstances caused by the Coronavirus, Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil was not completely surprised by the poor PISA results in 2022, as many children in the region require language support.
  2. According to the PISA study, language development in families is often neglected, with children left to watch television all day while lacking proper meals and conversation with their families.
  3. Lower Saxony participated in the international Pisa performance study with 26 schools, but sadly, the results at the state level are not yet available.
  4. Weil acknowledged that schools and daycare centers are working tirelessly to mitigate the impact of the Coronavirus on children's education, implementing programs like early childhood support.
  5. In order to encourage more individuals to choose teaching as a career, Weil announced that teachers at primary, secondary, and intermediate schools in Germany will be receiving a pay increase from the upcoming school year.
  6. Multilingual children in Lower Saxony are not the only ones in need of language support, as Weil emphasized that language development is not exclusive to immigrant families.




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