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Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil sits in his office in the State
Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil sits in his office in the State

Weil: No majorities for a "fairer tax system"

Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil has shown himself to be open to making extremely wealthy people pay more. The SPD politician called for greater differentiation in taxation. "Normal earners must be taken out of the top levels of the tax system. And those who really have a lot of money can also pay more from their current income. I think that's justifiable, and some very rich people would also be prepared to do that," the head of government told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ/Saturday). However, Weil also said that political majorities for a "fairer tax system" were currently "unfortunately not recognizable".

The SPD wants to ask top earners to pay a temporary "crisis tax" and reform the debt brake to restructure the economy. This is part of a draft for the main motion for the party conference in December. Specifically, the draft talks about a temporary crisis levy for all those who are liable for wealth tax. The SPD does not specify the amount. In addition, inheritances and gifts are to be taxed more heavily so that multi-millionaires and billionaires contribute more to financing the common good. In return, income tax is to be reduced for 95 percent of the population.

Following the Federal Constitutional Court's budget ruling, Weil also signaled in the NOZ interview that he could imagine suspending the debt brake not only for 2023 due to an emergency, but also for 2024. "If there is a legally sound justification for this, that would be a good way forward."

Irrespective of this, however, a reform of the debt brake must also be discussed. "We need to improve the debt brake. I think this instrument is right insofar as it says that we have to cover current expenditure from current revenue. However, when it comes to investments, the debt brake urgently needs to be reformed," said the Minister President.

The Government, led by Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil, is advocating for a fairer tax system, suggesting that wealthy individuals should contribute more through taxes. With a temporary "crisis tax" and reforming the debt brake, the Government aims to restructure the economy, asking top earners and wealthier individuals to pay more while reducing income tax for the majority of households. Similarly, the proposed reform of inheritance and gift taxes aims to increase contributions from multi-millionaires and billionaires.




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