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Weil defends migration course ahead of SPD party conference

Many young SPD members find their party's asylum policy a thorn in their side. Lower Saxony's head of government is therefore expecting controversial discussions at the party conference in Berlin.

Stephan Weil sits in his office in the State Chancellery during a dpa interview.
Stephan Weil sits in his office in the State Chancellery during a dpa interview.

Federal Party Conference - Weil defends migration course ahead of SPD party conference

At the SPD 's national party conference this Friday, Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil expects a major debate on how to deal with immigrants. "I expect discussions, some of which will be controversial," he told the German Press Agency in Hanover. The Jusos, for example, have a critical stance on the course of the Minister Presidents' Conference (MPK). "However, I assume that the SPD will once again prove to be a very realistic party across the board. If you take the signals from a large number of social democratic local politicians as a yardstick, what we have agreed between the federal and state governments is the right thing to do."

At the beginning of November, the state premiers agreed with the federal government on a series of measures that should lead to fewer asylum applications. These include reduced benefits for asylum seekers and easier returns. Weil played a key role in the negotiations, first as chairman of the MPK and then as deputy chairman.

The SPD leadership will go to the party conference with a compromise motion on migration. Among other things, it supports the sea rescue of refugees in the Mediterranean and calls for family members of refugees to be able to join them more easily. When it comes to the repatriation of rejected asylum seekers, the motion takes a much more reserved tone than Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Asked what would happen if the federal government did not reach a budget agreement before the party conference, Weil said a few days before the event that he wanted clarity for society very quickly. "Some companies are wondering whether their billion-euro investments can actually be realized. And there are social organizations that are suddenly worried about whether their work is in danger. This uncertainty is really poison," said the SPD state leader.

With regard to the non-invitation of former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder to the party conference, Weil said: "Gerhard Schröder is currently isolated in the SPD because of his position on Putin." Schröder had rendered great services to Germany and the SPD during his time in office. "But now, unfortunately, he is not prepared to accept that a friend is doing terrible things. He must bear the consequences," said Weil.

Read also:

  1. Despite the Jusos' critical stance towards Stephan Weil's migration policy at the upcoming SPD party conference, the Minister President of Lower Saxony believes that the SPD will uphold its realistic image.
  2. During the Federal Party Conference, Stephan Weil anticipated heated debates on immigration policies, citing the Jusos as one of the parties with a critical viewpoint.
  3. In preparation for the SPD party conference, Stephan Weil and other leaders presented a compromise motion on migration, supporting sea rescues and easier family reunification but advocating a reserved stance on returned asylum seekers.
  4. Stephan Weil, who played a prominent role in the federal-state negotiations on migration policies, expressed concern about the potential impact of a delayed budget agreement on investments and social organizations during the party conference.
  5. In response to Gerhard Schröder's exclusion from the SPD party conference due to his stance on Putin, Weil mentioned that the former Chancellor is currently isolated within the party, acknowledging his past contributions but emphasizing the necessities for Schröder to bear the consequences.
  6. During the SPD's Federal Party Conference in Hanover, discussions on migration policies will be centered around Lower Saxony's stance, which aligns with the positions of other German Parties, particularly on the South's focus on reducing asylum applications and providing aid to refugees.




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