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Weil calls for social cohesion

According to Lower Saxony's Minister President Weil, 2023 was a year with many causes for concern and unrest. For 2024, he is appealing to the people for more cohesion.

Stephan Weil (SPD), Minister President of Lower Saxony, sits in his office during an
Stephan Weil (SPD), Minister President of Lower Saxony, sits in his office during an interview.

Turn of the year - Weil calls for social cohesion

Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil calls for more cohesion in the new year. "My greatest wish for the year 2024 is that we tackle everything that lies ahead of us together and with confidence," said the SPD politician in a New Year's address, which will be broadcast on NDR on Monday evening.

It is possible to give each other security, as we can see these days, said the Minister President with regard to the ongoing flood situation in the state. Weil thanked the numerous helpers for their efforts over the past few days.

The Minister President continued: "Admittedly, more cohesion in difficult times - that is a great wish, but the experiences of this year in particular also show that we can tackle difficult, major tasks together and then we will also be successful."

With the floods, 2023 had said goodbye to the way we had known it for large parts of the year, said Weil. "Namely as a year with many causes for concern and unrest. Think of the ongoing wars in Ukraine or the Middle East, where people are dying every day and where there is still no concrete prospect of peace."

The social climate has deteriorated. This not only applies to political discussions. "Anti-Semitic outbursts, for example, have increased noticeably. But the tone among people has also become rougher and more unfriendly. There are countless examples of this from working life, schools and leisure activities. And that also worries many people."

The Minister President also expressed concern about climate change. "Experts tell us that 2023 was the hottest year since weather records began. Think about the worries about whether we in Germany are well enough prepared for the tasks ahead."

Read also:

  1. The flood situation in Hanover required the intervention of the Lower Saxony Government, led by SPD politician Stephan Weil, who thanked the numerous helpers for their efforts.
  2. Despite facing challenges like the floods and the ongoing war in Ukraine, Weil believes that by working together, the people of Lower Saxony can overcome these difficulties and achieve success.
  3. During his New Year's address, broadcast on NDR, Weil expressed concern about the increase in anti-Semitic outbursts and the rougher tone among people in various domains, such as working life, schools, and leisure activities.
  4. Weil also highlighted the worrying trend of climate change, with experts noting that 2023 was the hottest year since weather records began, and expressed concerns about Germany's preparedness for the tasks ahead.


