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Wegner visits Stasi memorial site: "Misleading government"

Berlin's mayor recollects his initial experience stepping into the ex-Stasis detention center, silently departing without a sound.

Kai Wegner (CDU), Governing Mayor of Berlin, visits the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen memorial.
Kai Wegner (CDU), Governing Mayor of Berlin, visits the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen memorial.

Former East Germany's Stasi Prison in Hohenschönhausen Revealed - Wegner visits Stasi memorial site: "Misleading government"

Kai Wegner, the Mayor of Berlin, expresses strong emotions after touring the old Stasi investigation prison in Hohenschoenhausen. "This place showcases the breakdown of personalities, the torture, and persecution of individuals," Wegner shared during his visit to the memorial site on Tuesday. The impact of this facility extends far beyond Berlin; it holds significance for Germany and the international community as well. It's crucial to understand the functioning of a dictatorship and the value of democracy, freedom, and the law.

The authenticity of these locations carries great importance. Remembering the first time Wegner visited, he recalls a witness speaking of their experiences and the horror of it all. "I've never been so silent leaving a room," he stated. This emotional impact is the reason why it's essential to expose future generations to such places. "I hope that anyone who denies the severity of this unjust regime will visit the memorial and interact with witnesses. Their perception will undoubtedly change afterward."

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