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Wegner visits BVG security and promotes video surveillance

With thousands of cameras, BVG keeps a daily eye on what is happening in the stations and vehicles. Nevertheless, employees are repeatedly attacked. During a visit to BVG security, the Governing Mayor made a promise.

Kai Wegner (CDU), Governing Mayor of Berlin, speaks at the plenary session of the Berlin House
Kai Wegner (CDU), Governing Mayor of Berlin, speaks at the plenary session of the Berlin House of Representatives.

SNB - Wegner visits BVG security and promotes video surveillance

Berlin's governing mayor Kai Wegner has spoken out in favor of more video surveillance in the capital. "We should see if we can also use video technology at other crime hotspots, because it works wonderfully at the BVG," said the CDU politician during a visit to the security center of the Berlin transport company on Friday in Kreuzberg. Video surveillance in subway stations very often helps to solve crimes, Wegner said. According to the BVG, the investigating authorities request video footage from the transport company more than 8,000 times a year.

Around 6800 video cameras are installed in Berlin's subway stations, and all of the transport company's vehicles are also equipped with cameras. Video surveillance is not possible at bus stops because otherwise the public street space would be filmed. For this reason, video surveillance at subway stations only focuses on faces once people have entered the station.

In the security control center, the footage is viewed by video observers on a random basis. "We keep a closer eye on smaller, more deserted stations at night, as there are fewer potential witnesses to incidents," said Ingo Tederahn, Head of Security at BVG.

The security control center also receives all emergency calls made via the emergency call pillars in the subway stations. During Wegner's visit, for example, a caller from Adenauerplatz subway station reported that a passenger had fallen on a staircase. Seconds later, an employee from the control center sent an ambulance there.

However, safety at BVG does not only mean passenger safety, emphasized the Governing Mayor. Time and again, assaults and attacks on bus and train drivers are reported. "These are employees who are also on the road on behalf of Berlin," said Wegner. "If we have attacks on BVG staff, then they must be punished in the same way as the police and fire department." He promised to lobby the federal government to amend the law accordingly.

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