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Wegner: No agreement on fence around Görlitzer Park

Berlin's governing mayor Kai Wegner has admitted that the talks about the fence around Görlitzer Park are not making any progress. "There is still no agreement with the district. I have to say that explicitly," emphasized the CDU politician in the House of Representatives on Thursday. Wegner...

""The Görli stays open!"" is written on a sticker in Görlitzer Park.
""The Görli stays open!"" is written on a sticker in Görlitzer Park.

Senate - Wegner: No agreement on fence around Görlitzer Park

Berlin's governing mayor Kai Wegner has admitted that the talks about the fence around Görlitzer Park have not made any progress. "There is still no agreement with the district. I have to say that explicitly," emphasized the CDU politician in the House of Representatives on Thursday. Wegner said that he was concerned with pacifying the park in Kreuzberg, which is considered a crime hotspot. As soon as the situation had been pacified, he would be open to any discussion on how it could be organized differently. "But we can no longer look the other way."

During the plenary session, Left Party MP Katalin Gennburg asked how the Senate intended to break the resistance to the fence construction plans. "We don't want to break anyone," said Wegner. His aim was to ensure that older people could also walk peacefully through the park again.

That is why there was a so-called security summit in September - together with the district mayors from Mitte and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. They agreed on a wide range of measures. The measures included more than just a fence. This remains controversial: "There is broad agreement on the social measures," said Wegner. "But there are still differences of opinion on the fence. We are currently discussing this." The Senate is determined to erect it, he added.

The responsible district mayor, Clara Herrmann (Greens), had only on Tuesday described the fence construction plans as symbolic politics at the expense of local residents. The people of Kreuzberg and the district parliament expect sustainable solutions to the local problems.

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