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Wegner discusses European elections: Change is needed in the traffic light coalition's policy

Kai Wegner, the Mayor of Berlin and a member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), called on the federal government to alter its approach following the European elections. He commented on Monday that the election results indicated that the coalition government needed to address the concerns...

Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner casts his vote for the 2024 European elections.
Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner casts his vote for the 2024 European elections.

Leading Mayor - Wegner discusses European elections: Change is needed in the traffic light coalition's policy

The Union had a substantial lead in the German European elections. The CDU and CSU together secured 30.0% of the votes. All parties in the ruling coalition saw a significant drop: The SPD decreased to 13.9%, the Greens dropped to 11.9%, and the FDP retained 5.2%.

Wegner observed, "The Union is evidently the most powerful force in this European election." In Berlin, the CDU's popularity increased slightly compared to the 2019 European elections, but they still only managed to achieve 17.6% and take the second spot. The Greens lost ground, plummeting to 19.6% and surrendering the lead to the Christians.

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