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Weber Expresses the Importance of Upholding Democratic Foundations

Ursula von der Leyen's re-election as Commission President depends on backing from other factions, with EPP leader Weber aiming to bring in two crucial supporters.

Markus Söder (l), Chairman of the CSU, and Manfred Weber, Chairman of the European People's Party.
Markus Söder (l), Chairman of the CSU, and Manfred Weber, Chairman of the European People's Party.

Voting Processes - Weber Expresses the Importance of Upholding Democratic Foundations

The head of the European People's Party (EPP), Manfred Weber, has called upon German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron to back the re-election of Ursula von der Leyen as EU Commission President. During a meeting of the CSU party in Munich on Monday, Weber expressed his belief in the importance of upholding democratic principles, stating, "As the winning party, I'm reminding us all of the basic principle of democracy: the top spot goes to the party that wins the most votes."

He continued by saying, "Those who boast about democracy and demand it must publicly support Ursula von der Leyen as the candidate from the winning group for the EU Commission President position." Speaking to Scholz and Macron, Weber made it clear that this support would be a matter of discussion among the EPP heads of state and government during the EU summit on Tuesday. "I hope this action will serve as a sign of unity and stability for Europe, reflecting the results of the election and the will of the people."

In anticipation, Weber had plans to gather the EPP heads of state and government for an online summit on Monday evening.

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