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Weather service warns of continuous rain

The German Weather Service is warning of continuous rain in Lower Saxony over the next few days. The official storm warning issued on Sunday evening is valid from Tuesday at 00:00 until probably Thursday night. It therefore coincides with the already tense flood situation. "Widespread...

Meadows and fields are flooded by the high water of the Weser near Fuhlen.
Meadows and fields are flooded by the high water of the Weser near Fuhlen.

Storm - Weather service warns of continuous rain

The German Weather Service is warning of continuous rain in Lower Saxony over the next few days. The official storm warning issued on Sunday evening is valid from Tuesday at 00:00 until probably Thursday night. It therefore coincides with the already tense flood situation. "Widespread continuous rain in Lower Saxony on Tuesday and Wednesday. In the Harz Mountains, there is a risk of severe weather due to heavy continuous rain," the DWD announced on New Year's Eve.

Read also:

  1. Despite the ongoing storm warning, residents in Lower Saxony are bracing for more bad weather, as the DWD forecasts continuous rain from Tuesday until Thursday night.
  2. The recent storm warning and the prospect of continuous rain have worsened the already critical flood situation in Lower Saxony, leading to concerns among local authorities.
  3. The German Weather Service (DWD) urged residents of Offenbach to stay vigilant, issuing a storm warning for possible heavy rainfall earlier this week, a stark reminder of the flood situation in the region.
  4. With the DWD constantly monitoring the weather conditions and issuing warnings for heavy continuous rain, many residents in Lower Saxony are taking necessary precautions to ensure their safety during these bad weather alerts.


