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Weather service: thunderstorms and heavy rain in places at the weekend

Friday is still sunny - the weather will become more turbulent towards the weekend.

Dark clouds gather over wind turbines.
Dark clouds gather over wind turbines.

Weather - Weather service: thunderstorms and heavy rain in places at the weekend

At the weekend, there will be thunderstorms and heavy rain in Rhineland-Palatinate. On Saturday, it will first be warm, but local showers and thunderstorms will develop later, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Friday. The DWD expects heavy thunderstorms with danger of hail, strong winds and heavy rain in the night from Saturday to Sunday. Temperatures will reach a maximum of 25 to 29 degrees, with 32 degrees on the Upper Rhine. On Friday, the meteorologists forecast a maximum of 23 to 28 degrees. The sun will often be seen during the day.

On Sunday, it will mostly be overcast. In some areas, there will be showery and sometimes strong rain with individual thunderstorms. Locally, there is a risk of thunderstorms. The highest temperatures will be 20 to 24 degrees. At the beginning of the new week, it will also be mostly overcast with showery rain. Occasionally, short thunderstorms are possible.

DWD weather report

The thunderstorms and heavy rain predicted by DWD for the weekend are expected to occur predominantly in Rhineland-Palatinate on Saturday night, continuing into Sunday. Residents of Saarland might also experience occasional thunderstorms during their Sunday. Despite the inclement weather in various parts, Offenbach could enjoy some sunshine over the weekend, according to the meteorological forecasts. Regrettably, the pleasant weather experienced on Fridays in Rhineland-Palatinate with temperatures reaching up to 32 degrees on the Upper Rhine, won't last through the weekend.

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