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Weather service investigates suspected tornado in Cologne

The German Weather Service (DWD) is investigating whether there was a tornado in a district of Cologne. This was announced by a spokeswoman on Friday. The district in question was Poll in the south of Cologne. However, the investigation is not yet complete, the spokesperson emphasized. There is...

A traffic sign in Cologne-Poll has been knocked over.
A traffic sign in Cologne-Poll has been knocked over.

Storm - Weather service investigates suspected tornado in Cologne

The German Weather Service (DWD) is investigating whether there was a tornado in a district of Cologne. This was announced by a spokeswoman on Friday. The district in question was Poll in the south of Cologne. However, the investigation is not yet complete, the spokesperson emphasized. There is no confirmation yet.

Severe storm damage occurred in the district during the night from Thursday to Friday. The fire department reported that roofs were covered, trees had fallen and fences had been knocked down. Roofers are currently working to repair roofs, a spokeswoman said on Friday afternoon.

Several media outlets reported that local residents had reported a tornado passing through the district. The weather website "" initially classified the events as "suspected".

Storm depression "Zoltan" swept across Germany on Thursday and Friday. There was damage in many places.

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