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Weather service: 2023 was the warmest year ever in Bavaria

Heat, masses of snow and record temperatures - according to the German Weather Service, Bavaria has had a record year.

Buttercups in the sunshine.
Buttercups in the sunshine.

Global warming - Weather service: 2023 was the warmest year ever in Bavaria

Bavaria experienced the warmest year since records began in 1881 in 2023. This is according to the preliminary annual balance of the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach on Friday. At 10.3 degrees Celsius, the annual average temperature was above the 10-degree mark for the first time - and thus significantly above the value of the international reference period from 1961 to 1990 with 7.5 degrees in Bavaria.

According to DWD expert Tobias Fuchs, 2023 was a new record year for temperatures worldwide. "Climate change is continuing unabated," Fuchs concluded. "We need to focus intensively on climate protection and adapt to the damage caused by extreme weather."

The weather in Bavaria in 2023 was also characterized by records in other respects. In Möhrendorf-Kleinseebach in central Franconia, the highest temperature of the year in Germany was measured at 38.8 degrees on July 15. The lowest temperature of the year in Germany was recorded by a measuring station in Gottfrieding in Lower Bavaria on December 3 - at minus 18.9 degrees.

The DWD experts also recorded the highest amount of rainfall in one day in Bavaria: 120.7 liters per square meter fell in Bad Berneck in the Fichtelgebirge on 22 June.

According to the DWD, after an unusually mild start to the year, there was lightning and thunderstorms early on in the year and a supercell in the district of Fürstenfeldbruck, which brought hailstones up to four centimetres in size in May. A hot summer in Bavaria was followed by a September with record heat, plenty of sunshine and unusually little rain. In December, there was heavy snowfall with a layer of snow more than 50 centimetres thick in some places, which brought traffic to a standstill in large parts of Bavaria.

In 2023 as a whole, around 1005 liters of rain per square meter fell in Bavaria, with 1855 hours of sunshine. This made Bavaria the sunniest region in Germany alongside Baden-Württemberg.

Press release

Read also:

  1. The start of recording marks the announcement of 2023 being the warmest year ever in Bavaria, as documented in DWD's preliminary annual balance sheet.
  2. Tobias Fuchs, a DWD expert based in Offenbach, Germany, attributed the record-breaking temperatures in 2023 to global warming.
  3. The warm year in Bavaria also set records in temperature extremes, with the highest temperature recorded in Germany in Möhrendorf-Kleinseebach.
  4. Conversely, the lowest temperature in Germany was recorded in Gottfrieding, indicating a wide temperature range for the year.
  5. The DWD also recorded the highest amount of rainfall in one day in Bavaria, a significant event in the context of climate change and extreme weather.
  6. The annual balance sheet for Bavaria in 2023 showed an average temperature of 10.3 degrees Celsius, significantly above the international reference period and marking the first time it surpassed the 10-degree mark.


