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Weather service: 2023 also broke the temperature record in Hesse

It was too warm and often too wet: the weather in Hesse was remarkable in 2023. There was also a tornado, snow chaos and flooding.

The sun shines through an autumn-colored leaf.
The sun shines through an autumn-colored leaf.

Global warming - Weather service: 2023 also broke the temperature record in Hesse

According to calculations by the German Weather Service (DWD), the year coming to an end was probably also the warmest in Hesse since records began in 1881.

The average temperature in 2023 reached 10.7 degrees for the first time and was thus 2.5 degrees above the value of the internationally valid reference period from 1961 to 1990, as the DWD announced in Offenbach on Friday after initial evaluations. This means that it was even 0.1 degrees warmer in Hesse than nationwide - here the annual average was 10.6 degrees, which is also a record.

And there were even more records in Hesse throughout the year. According to the DWD, the year began too mildly, with typical winter weather being the exception. This was followed by the wettest March since 2001. The weather service also recalled a tornado on the 26th of the month, which reached speeds of up to 180 kilometers per hour and covered numerous roofs in Fernwald-Annerod to the east of Giessen.

The summer began with the third warmest and sunniest June since records began, according to the DWD. July was then characterized by rain and cooling, and it became tropical-hot in mid-August. The very sunny September was the warmest since records began.

According to the DWD, the last time more precipitation fell in Hesse than in November was in 1977. The weather service recalled the traffic chaos in the Taunus on the 27th of the month after heavy snowfall. Rain, rain and more rain in December caused a tense flood situation, especially in central and northern Hesse.

According to the DWD's preliminary evaluations, an average of 935 liters per square meter fell in the state - a significant increase compared to the value from the reference period of 793 liters. At 1720 hours, the sun also shone much longer than the 1459 hours of the reference period.

The DWD explained that comparing the current values with the multi-year average values of the international reference period from 1961 to 1990 makes it possible to assess long-term climate change. Climate change is continuing unabated, warned Tobias Fuchs, Director of Climate and Environment at the DWD, who called for action. 2023 was also a record year for temperatures worldwide.

Read also:

The rising temperatures and climate change are not limited to Hesse, as 2023 was also a record-breaking year for global temperatures according to scientific data. The unusual weather patterns in Hesse also included a tornado in March, which was a rare occurrence in the region. The effects of climate change were evident in the increased precipitation in November, causing a tense flood situation in central and northern Hesse. The German Weather Service (DWD) emphasizes the importance of addressing climate change, warning that it continues unabated.


