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Weather in Thuringia: Sheep cold, heat and hailstones

Sheepish cold, summery days and heavy thunderstorms characterized the weather in Thuringia in June. After a cool start with light frost on the ground in the Thuringian Forest, subtropical air moved into the state, according to the German Weather Service (DWD) on Friday.

Dark clouds are gathering over Erfurt. The German Weather Service (DWD) is forecasting storms and...
Dark clouds are gathering over Erfurt. The German Weather Service (DWD) is forecasting storms and heavy thunderstorms for Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia from late Tuesday afternoon.

Weather - Weather in Thuringia: Sheep cold, heat and hailstones

Heavy thunderstorms in Thuringia

There were also heavy thunderstorms on the 18th. Thuringia was hit by a supercell, according to DWD, which caused hailstones the size of golf balls. At the end of the month, there were high summer and sunny days in the program. A monthly average of 16.4 degrees was reached. In the reference period 1961-1990, the average was 14.9 degrees. In addition, less rain fell than the long-term average - specifically, 70 liters per square meter were measured, which is eight liters less. In total, the sun shone for 215 hours in June. This value is slightly above the nationwide number of sunshine hours of 210.

Weather in Germany was dynamic nationwide

June showed great dynamism throughout Germany, similar to Thuringen. While the month started with a sheepskin coat and record rainfall in the south, tropical-humid air and high summer heat appeared in the second half. The temperature average was 16.8 degrees above the internationally valid reference period 1961-1990 with 15.4 degrees.

The DWD data is based on initial evaluations of the results from approximately 2,000 measuring stations in Germany. Prognostic data for the last three days of the month were used for the forecasts.

DWD Online

  1. Despite the heavy thunderstorms in Thuringia on the 18th, which was characterized by a supercell according to DWD and resulted in hailstones as large as golf balls, the rest of the month in Erfurt, Thuringia, offered high summer and sunny days.
  2. The impact of the thunderstorm in Thuringia was also felt in Germany as a whole, with June showing dynamic weather conditions nationwide, as reported by the German Weather Service (DWD).
  3. The DWD data on the weather in Thuringia and Germany is based on initial evaluations from approximately 2,000 measuring stations across Germany, ensuring an accurate depiction of the weather conditions.
  4. Despite the heavy thunderstorm in Thuringian Forest, which led to less rainfall than the long-term average, sheep in the region still felt the cold, highlighting the varying weather conditions in different parts of the region.

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