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Assets of BASF heiress Engelhorn to be distributed to 77 organizations

A council of 50 citizens has decided on the distribution of the assets of Austrian millionaire heiress Marlene Engelhorn: The total of 25 million euros will go to 77 organizations in the fields of climate and environment, health, social affairs as well as integration and education. The result...

Members of the Citizens' Council in Vienna
Members of the Citizens' Council in Vienna

Assets of BASF heiress Engelhorn to be distributed to 77 organizations

Engelhorn is a descendant of the founder of German chemical company BASF, Friedrich Engelhorn. The 32-year-old is one of the founders of the initiative "Tax me now", which advocates for higher taxation of wealthy people.

In January, Engelhorn announced that she would donate 90% of her inheritance. The decision on the distribution of the money was made by a "Good Council for Redistribution" consisting of 50 members. The randomly selected members of the committee, aged between 17 and 85, deliberated on the distribution of the assets during six weekend meetings in Salzburg from March to June. They and their associates had the ability to make completely independent decisions, said council member Angelika Taferner.

The 77 selected organizations receive amounts between 40,000 Euro and 1.6 Million Euro. The list includes organizations such as Caritas, Diakonie, and Austrian People's Aid, the Austrian Nature Conservation Society, women's shelters and street papers, Reporters Without Borders, fire departments, a homeless support association, and NGO Attac.

Engelhorn herself declared, according to news agency APA, "A large part of my inherited wealth, which lifted me into a position of power that contradicts every democratic principle, is now being redistributed in accordance with democratic values."

  1. Alexandra Engelhorn, a BASF heiress and the founder of the "Tax me now" initiative, announced in January that she would donate 90% of her inheritance.
  2. The distribution of these assets was decided by a "Good Council for Redistribution" consisting of 50 members, who were aged between 17 and 85.
  3. Among the 77 organizations receiving donations are Caritas, Diakonie, Austrian People's Aid, the Austrian Nature Conservation Society, women's shelters, street papers, Reporters Without Borders, fire departments, a homeless support association, and NGO Attac.
  4. Engelhorn stated, according to APA, that a significant portion of her inherited wealth would be redistributed in accordance with democratic values.
  5. The 32-year-old descendants of Friedrich Engelhorn, the founder of German chemical company BASF, has been advocating for higher taxation of wealthy individuals.
  6. The initiative "Tax me now" focuses on integration and addressing environmental issues, particularly the climate crisis.

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