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Water for the trees: watering can heroes are ready for action

The soil in Dresden is still well moistened. Nevertheless, it is important to take precautions for the trees. An initiative is campaigning for this

Arborists from the State Palaces and Gardens stand on a lifting platform in the Volkspark Großer...
Arborists from the State Palaces and Gardens stand on a lifting platform in the Volkspark Großer Garten and take samples from a copper beech.

Municipalities - Water for the trees: watering can heroes are ready for action

Project "Gießkannenhelden:innen" Project "Dresden gießt"

The Project Gießkannenhelden Dresden falls on fertile ground. Since the start of the action in April, the organizers have received over 60 inquiries from interested parties who want to set up a water tank to water trees in heat stress. "The great demand shows the interest in sustainable water management and above all rainwater management. People in Dresden want to do something for the preservation of their environment," said Louise Hummel-Schroeter, spokesperson for the initiative, on Wednesday on request.

Currently, three water tanks have been set up and filled, including on the grounds of the Technical University and at the Kreuzgymnasium. More than half of the inquiries come from schools and kindergartens. Unfortunately, not all of them can be served immediately. However, it is planned to set up 30 to 40 barrels this year.

"Despite the already high demand, we would be happy to receive more proposals from private individuals or housing communities with suitable public places. We also explicitly appeal to companies," it was further stated.

The goal is to make the project sustainable and to organize long-term better water supply for trees. "In general, trees in Dresden are doing better this year. This can be seen in the more vital tree crowns. However, we have to be prepared, because extreme weather events are increasing and corresponding structures for preparation cannot be installed overnight."

For the Gießkannenhelden and -helden of Dresden, "tank stations" for trees are supposed to arise at many places in the city. The containers with a capacity of 1000 liters store rainwater, with which the population can water street trees in the vicinity and thus prevent them from drying out. The project is run by the City Drainage Dresden, the initiative "Dresden gießt" and the Environmental Center of the Saxon State Capital.

"With the climate change, urban greenery becomes increasingly important for good living and working in the urban environment. Trees provide shade, cool the environment, improve air quality, bind CO2 and make staying in the city pleasant," the organizers had called for participation. The climate crisis is also becoming increasingly deadly for trees.

"Heat and drought make them susceptible to pests and diseases and let them dry out. To thrive under critical conditions, trees need regular watering." However, campaigns often face the same problem, where to get the water from.

For the Gießkannenhelden and -helden, the tanks are provided free of charge. The action targets residents, businesses, housing cooperatives, kindergartens and schools. Dresden has taken inspiration from a project in the Ruhr area, where four municipalities are already participating.

In Dresden, at least 100 barrels are planned to be set up in the coming two years, which are connected to rainwater pipes from houses. The City Drainage calculates with costs between 800 and 1000 Euro per barrel. In addition to material costs of 500 Euro, logistics costs are incurred, the company announced.

  1. The project "Gießkannenhelden:innen" in Dresden, Saxony, focuses on sustainable water management, particularly rainwater management, as evidenced by the high demand for water tanks to water trees during heat stress.
  2. The municipalities of Dresden, including schools and kindergartens, are showing significant interest in the environmental policy initiatives, with more than half of the inquiries coming from these institutions.
  3. To make the project more effective and long-lasting, the organizers are welcoming proposals from private individuals, housing communities, and businesses to set up additional water tanks in suitable public places around the city.

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