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Warning strikes in the retail sector in Schleswig-Holstein and the north-east

Almost 300 retail workers have called for warning strikes in the north. The union is also planning actions in Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on Thursday.

A poster of the trade union Verdi with the inscription "Strike".
A poster of the trade union Verdi with the inscription "Strike".

Labor dispute - Warning strikes in the retail sector in Schleswig-Holstein and the north-east

In the wage dispute in the retail, wholesale and foreign trade sectors, the trade union Verdi has called on employees in Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to go on warning strikes on Wednesday and Thursday. Several companies in Kiel, Flensburg, Rostock, Schwerin and Wismar are affected, Verdi negotiator Bert Stach told the German Press Agency on Wednesday. Almost 300 employees have been called to take part in all-day warning strikes.

Warning strikes are also planned for Thursday in both federal states, said Stach. There will also be smaller demonstrations and rallies in Kiel and Schwerin. A similar number of employees have been called out on Thursday as on Wednesday. "We are currently appalled by the employers' attitude." There have been no negotiations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania since November and in Schleswig-Holstein since October.

The collective bargaining talks began in May. Verdi Nord is demanding an increase in wages and salaries of 2.50 euros per hour for retail employees and an increase in hourly wages to 13.50 euros for the lower groups of employees. For wholesale employees, the union is demanding an increase in wages and salaries of 13 percent, but at least 400 euros.

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