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Warning strikes in the public sector on St. Nicholas Day

Several trade unions have called on public sector employees in Schleswig-Holstein to go on warning strike today. The unions, including the German Federation of Trade Unions, the Police Union and Verdi, expect several thousand employees to walk off the job and take part in the demonstration.

"Warning strike!" is written on a sign.
"Warning strike!" is written on a sign.

Tariffs - Warning strikes in the public sector on St. Nicholas Day

Several trade unions have called on public sector employees in Schleswig-Holstein to go on warning strike today. The unions, including the German Federation of Trade Unions, the Police Union and Verdi, expect several thousand employees to walk off the job and take part in the demonstration.

Under the slogan"St. Nicholas meets the state government", the strikers plan to march through Kiel and hold a rally in front of the state parliament building. Symbolically, letters from the employees will be handed to Finance Minister Monika Heinold (Greens). Heinold is the deputy chief negotiator for the employers' side in the wage negotiations.

Due to the slippery roads and snowfall over the past few days, the state road construction and transport company and the Verdi trade union have agreed on an emergency winter service arrangement.

The trade unions are demanding a 10.5 percent increase in income for employees in the public sector of the federal states, but at least 500 euros more per month. Junior staff are to receive 200 euros more and trainees are to be taken on for an indefinite period.

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