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Warning strikes at scrap and recycling company SRW

In the fight for a collective agreement at the scrap and recycling company SRW in Rötha (district of Leipzig), employees are planning to strike over Christmas and New Year's Eve. "We will not let up in our fight for a collective agreement," said Michael Hecker, lead negotiator for IG Metall...

The IG Metall logo on a banner.
The IG Metall logo on a banner.

Tariffs - Warning strikes at scrap and recycling company SRW

In the fight for a collective agreement at the scrap and recycling company SRW in Rötha (district of Leipzig), employees are planning to strike over Christmas and New Year's Eve. "We will not let up in our fight for a collective agreement," said Michael Hecker, lead negotiator for IG Metall Leipzig, on Tuesday. Accordingly, the employees have been in industrial action for 42 days. IG Metall is demanding an eight percent pay rise for the approximately 180 employees, an increase in vacation and Christmas bonuses to 1,500 euros each and a reduction in the working week to 38 hours.

The employers are not prepared to conclude a collective agreement as demanded by IG Metall, the company announced. A pay increase of 7 to 8.5 percent with effect from January 1, 2024 has been offered, while mandatory additional payments and a reduction in working hours have been rejected.

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