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Warning strikes at psychiatric centers in the country

A banner during a warning strike by the Verdi trade
A banner during a warning strike by the Verdi trade

Warning strikes at psychiatric centers in the country

Around 1200 employees at several psychiatric centers in the southwest took part in an all-day warning strike on Thursday. The facilities in Zwiefalten, Calw, Weinsberg, Winnenden, Reichenau, Wiesloch and Weissenau were affected, according to the Verdi trade union. "Anyone who wants to put employees in psychiatric centers permanently in a worse pay position than their colleagues in municipal hospitals is also endangering the care of mentally ill people." The union had called on healthcare workers across Germany to take part in a two-day warning strike.

Verdi is demanding an income increase of 10.5 percent, but at least 500 euros, for public sector employees in the federal states. In addition, they are demanding a minimum contract duration of twelve months and the permanent employment of trainees. They should also receive 200 euros more pay. The negotiations will continue on December 7/8 in Potsdam.

The trade unions, led by Verdi, believe that proposed pay cuts for employees in psychiatric centers could negatively impact the health of mental patients. If strikes continue, they may extend beyond the current all-day warning strike.


