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Warning strikes again in municipal daycare centers

The trade union Verdi is continuing to press for a collective agreement. A warning strike has been announced for today. If the Senate does not budge, it will not stay that way.

Childcare workers in Berlin demand better working conditions. (archive picture)
Childcare workers in Berlin demand better working conditions. (archive picture)

Childcare - Warning strikes again in municipal daycare centers

Many parents in Berlin have to adjust to limited care options in the municipal kindergartens once again. The union Verdi has announced that they will increase pressure on the Berlin Senate, to begin negotiations on a wage contract for pedagogical quality in the kindergartens and to alleviate the burden on staff. Initially, a one-day warning strike is planned, which the union GEW will also support.

Verdi threatens with five-day strike

If the Senate continues to refuse the demands, a five-day strike is planned from July 8 to July 12. Kindergartens were already struck for a total of seven days in recent weeks.

Additionally, a demonstration is planned in the morning at the Berlin State Parliament. The parliamentarians are to meet for their last plenary session before the summer break. The situation is heated: Finance Senator Stefan Evers (CDU) criticized Verdi sharply during the session in the House of Representatives two weeks ago, speaking of "senseless strikes on the backs of children and parents."

According to his statements, the Land Berlin cannot negotiate a corresponding wage contract with Verdi, which, among other things, wants to regulate group sizes and compensation for burdens. Evers argues that Berlin is a member of the Tariff Association of the States (TdL) and therefore cannot make decisions on tariff-legal issues alone.

Verdi accuses the Finance Senator of a stubborn phase

Verdi criticizes this attitude as not credible: "Finance Senator Evers is putting forward formal arguments," said Verdi-Regional Manager Andrea Kühnemann. "If there were a serious political will, ways could be found. But for that, Mr. Evers would have to come out of his stubborn phase."

According to Senate statements, there are around 2,900 kindergartens in Berlin, many of which are run by free providers. Around 165,000 children are cared for there. The warning strike affects approximately 280 municipal kindergartens. Around 7,000 childcare workers and other employees care for about 35,000 children there.

The United Services Union has expressed its support for Verdi's one-day warning strike, aiming to push the Berlin Senate into initiating talks on a wage contract for improved pedagogical quality in kindergartens. The Senate, led by Finance Senator Stefan Evers, has faced criticism from Verdi for its refusal to negotiate on issues such as group sizes and burden compensation.

Verdi has threats of a five-day strike starting from July 8, claiming that the Senate's stance on these matters is causing unnecessary hardship for childcare workers and the children they care for. The earlier strikes led to the closure of kindergartens for a combined total of seven days.

The proposed five-day strike is set to take place during the Berlin Senate's final plenary session before the summer break, and a demonstration is also planned at the Berlin State Parliament. In response to Verdi's actions, Senator Evers has criticized the union for conducting senseless strikes that impact children and parents.

Despite these criticisms, Verdi argues that Senator Evers is merely using formalistic arguments to avoid engaging in serious negotiations, suggesting that his stance is driven by stubbornness rather than a genuine commitment to resolving the issue. It is worth noting that around 2,900 kindergartens in Berlin, many of which are run by free providers, cater to approximately 165,000 children.

The warning strike affecting around 280 municipal kindergartens involves around 7,000 childcare workers and other employees, who care for about 35,000 children. The union's push for improved wage contracts and working conditions aims to ensure that these crucial care services are better supported and maintained for the benefit of both the workers and the children they care for.

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