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Warning strike: State employees march in front of the Ministry of Finance

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"Warning strike!" is written on a

Warning strike: State employees march in front of the Ministry of Finance

Around 2000 state employees marched to the Ministry of Finance in Kiel during a warning strike on Friday. The association dbb Beamtenbund und Tarifunion had called on them to take to the streets for higher wages. According to the association, the employees have been waiting in vain for an offer from the employers in the ongoing wage negotiations.

The dbb is demanding a 10.5 percent increase in income from the collective bargaining association of the German federal states for employees in the public sector of the federal states, but at least 500 euros more per month. The association is basing this on the income increases at federal and local level, said dbb state chairman Kai Tellkamp.

It was unacceptable for state employees to lag behind the federal and local governments in terms of income levels. He therefore hopes that employers will make concessions during the third round of negotiations on December 7.

The wage increase should also be implemented for civil servants. "We don't want civil servants to be left behind," emphasized Tellkamp. The state parliament must therefore implement the required wage agreement for civil servants at the same time.

Finance Minister Monika Heinold, who sits at the negotiating table for the employers' side, also attended the demonstration, which began at the Exerzierplatz. The Green politician therefore received anything but a warm welcome from the demonstrators.

"Of course they deserve a fair salary," emphasized Heinold. However, it is also the employers' responsibility to look at how taxpayers' money is spent.

The dbb Beamtenbund und Tarifunion announced more demonstrations if the wage negotiations for state employees fail to yield favorable results, resulting in potential escalations of strikes and protests. Given the ongoing tariffs imposed on certain public services, there are concerns about the financial impact these strikes and demonstrations might have.



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