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Warning strike slows down travelers once again

Many travelers and commuters need strong nerves at the start of the weekend. For the second time in just a few weeks, train drivers are going on warning strike.

A display board at a train station indicates a strike.
A display board at a train station indicates a strike.

Rail traffic - Warning strike slows down travelers once again

The warning strike at Deutsche Bahn led to severe restrictions on long-distance, regional and suburban rail services in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland on Friday. Deutsche Bahn announced in the morning that there would be delays and train cancellations throughout Germany until the end of the day. Accordingly, only an emergency timetable with a greatly reduced number of journeys will be offered.

The German Train Drivers' Union(GDL) had called on its members to take part in the warning strike from 10.00 p.m. on Thursday evening in passenger transport, while the strike in freight transport began at 6.00 p.m. on Thursday. The work stoppage is to end this Friday evening at 10.00 pm. The GDL last called a warning strike at Deutsche Bahn on November 15 and 16.

The Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund(RMV) announced on Thursday that regional trains and suburban trains could be affected by the renewed warning strike. The website of the Rhine-Neckar Transport Association (VRN) also reported reduced frequencies and cancellations. The Mittelrheinbahn also expected severe restrictions.

The rail company Vlexx assumed that its lines would run according to the regular timetable. Employees had not been called out on a warning strike. However, if there is a strike on rail infrastructure, cancellations and delays are also to be expected here. This also applies to the lines of the rail company Vias.

In Saarland, Saarbahn is not expected to experience any disruptions, as a spokeswoman said on Thursday. The train drivers have their own collective agreement. However, if train drivers go on strike, there could also be an impact on certain sections of the Saarbahn line.

DB on the warning strike Information RMV Information Mittelrheinbahn Information Vlexx Information DWD forecast

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