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Warning strike causes restrictions in hospital operations

Once again, employees of university hospitals in MV, among others, have taken to the streets for more money. The extent to which their demands will be met will become clear on Thursday.

Public service employees gather for a warning strike.
Public service employees gather for a warning strike.

Trade unions - Warning strike causes restrictions in hospital operations

In the collective bargaining dispute in the public sector of the federal states, the Verdi trade union has imposed restrictions at the Rostock University Medical Center, for example. "Surgeries have been reduced to the level of the weekend," said trade unionist Friedrich Gottschewski on Wednesday after a protest march through Rostock. The University Medical Center confirmed restrictions, particularly for scheduled operations, but was unable to provide more precise details.

According to Gottschewski, around 1000 people took part in the march, which was roughly in line with police figures. "We are satisfied with the strike participation from Rostock University Medical Center," said Gottschewski. 700 university hospital employees took part. Employees from Greifswald University Medical Center also came by bus. Tax office employees and road wardens also took part. From the universities, it was mainly library staff who took part.

The demonstrators had set off in front of the Ostsee Stadium on Wednesday morning. The final rally took place in front of the union building in the city center. However, the warning strike was to continue until the late shift start at the university hospitals, i.e. until around 10.00 pm.

Verdi is demanding an income increase of 10.5 percent for the employees, but at least 500 euros over a period of twelve months. According to Verdi, the negotiations in MV affect 48,775 state employees and around 2,000 municipal civil servants. Negotiations are to continue in Potsdam from Thursday. Employees of research facilities in the state, road construction administrations, state ministries and state offices and institutes were also called to the warning strike.

In November, thousands of employees at university hospitals in Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania had already taken to the streets for higher wages.

Verdi press release

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