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"Warning strike!" is written on a
"Warning strike!" is written on a

Warning strike at Saarland University Hospital

Employees at Saarland University Hospital (UKS) are walking off the job this week. They are taking part in a nationwide warning strike in the healthcare sector, which the trade union Verdi has called for Thursday and Friday. "The lower and middle wage groups in particular urgently need more money in view of the price explosion," said Thomas Müller, district manager of the Saar Trier region, in Saarbrücken on Wednesday. Further warning strikes are unavoidable if the employers do not agree to this in the next round of negotiations, he said.

According to the union, significant restrictions are to be expected at the hospital on both days due to the work stoppages. Operations and treatments will have to be postponed. According to Verdi spokesperson Müller, this is due to the employers, who have not yet presented an offer after two rounds of negotiations. However, emergency care is guaranteed in any case. There is an emergency service agreement with the hospital, Verdi announced.

The wage dispute in the public sector of the federal states is about the salaries of around 1.1 million employees nationwide. Around 1.4 million civil servants, to whom the result is normally transferred, would also be affected. The trade unions are demanding a 10.5 percent pay rise, but at least 500 euros more for all employees covered by collective agreements. Junior staff are to receive 200 euros more and trainees are to be taken on indefinitely. A third round of negotiations will begin on December 7.

  1. The trade unions in the healthcare sector, including Verdi, have not only initiated a warning strike at Saarland University Hospital but also plan to organize further strikes if the employers fail to meet their demands for higher wages, especially for lower and middle income earners, in the upcoming negotiations.
  2. Amidst these strikes and demonstrations, concerns about the health of the public service have been raised, as important operations and treatments may be delayed due to work stoppages, potentially leading to inconvenience for patients and straining the overall healthcare system.
  3. Despite these challenges, it is reassuring to know that emergency care will still be guaranteed during the strikes at Saarland University Hospital, thanks to an emergency service agreement with the hospital, ensuring vital medical assistance remains available to those in need.


