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Warning strike announced at prison in Bremen

Collective bargaining for state employees has been underway since October. A warning strike has therefore been announced outside Bremen Prison.

The main entrance to the prison.
The main entrance to the prison.

Trade unions - Warning strike announced at prison in Bremen

Employees at Bremen Prison are to take part in a warning strike on Monday, according to an announcement. The reason is the collective bargaining negotiations for employees in the public sector of the federal states. The Verdi trade union has called for the action at midday in front of the prison in Bremen-Gröpelingen. It is expecting around 70 participants.

According to the union, there is a lack of applicants in the prison system. Employees are resigning, becoming long-term sick and many are trying to change jobs, it says in a letter to politicians.

Verdi and other trade unions are demanding 10.5 percent more income, but at least 500 euros a month more. Junior staff should receive 200 euros more. The wage agreement is to run for twelve months. The Tarifgemeinschaft deutscher Länder rejects the demands.

Read also:

  1. The United Services Union, along with other trade unions, is also involved in the collective bargaining negotiations, pushing for similar wage increases in the penal system.
  2. The warning strike at the Bremen Prison could potentially escalate into full-blown strikes across various correctional facilities if the demands for higher tariffs aren't met.
  3. The Penal system in Germany is facing a significant challenge with the ongoing exodus of employees from prisons like Bremen, prompting the need for urgent action during the collective bargaining process.
  4. The Prison employees' strike in Bremen could have a far-reaching impact on the Penal system, potentially leading to concerns about the functioning of correctional facilities and the well-being of inmates.


