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Warning strike affects rail traffic: emergency timetable stable

Many trains have been canceled in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia due to a warning strike by train drivers. On Saturday, Deutsche Bahn is expecting an even greater rush of travelers.

A traveler stands in front of an empty display board in a train station.
A traveler stands in front of an empty display board in a train station.

Train drivers' union - Warning strike affects rail traffic: emergency timetable stable

The warning strike by the train drivers' union GDL severely restricted rail traffic in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia on Friday. However, the specially prepared emergency timetable was stable, said a railroad spokeswoman in Leipzig. In regional transport, it was even possible to run slightly more trains than expected. Travelers should therefore check the current timetables to see what options are available.

On long-distance services, 80 percent of all trains were canceled nationwide. This figure also applies to the south-east region, said the railroad spokeswoman. She was unable to provide a percentage for regional services. Deutsche Bahn also has significantly more competitors there, where the effects of the strike were different.

Deutsche Bahn is expecting a very busy day for travel on Saturday, the spokeswoman said. Anyone wishing to use a long-distance train should make a reservation to secure a seat, she recommended.

The GDL had called on its members to take part in the warning strike from 10.00 p.m. on Thursday evening in passenger transport, while in freight transport it began at 6.00 p.m. on Thursday. The work stoppage was to end on Friday evening at 10.00 pm.

The German Train Drivers' Union (GDL) last called a warning strike at Deutsche Bahn on November 15 and 16. Union leader Claus Weselsky had announced that the current warning strike would be the last one this year. However, the union has called on its members to vote on indefinite strikes. The result should be available before Christmas. Rail travelers could therefore face longer strikes in the new year.

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