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Warning of flooding throughout Lower Saxony

There is a risk of flooding throughout Lower Saxony. The Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation (NLWKN) issued a corresponding warning on Thursday. There is a critical flood situation throughout the state. The main reason for this is the storm...

A flood sign stands by a flooded field.
A flood sign stands by a flooded field.

Weather - Warning of flooding throughout Lower Saxony

There is a risk of flooding throughout Lower Saxony. The Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation (NLWKN) issued a corresponding warning on Thursday. There is a critical flood situation throughout the state. The main reason for this is the storm depression "Zoltan", which is moving across northern Germany.

In many places, the first rivers would burst their banks and flood forest and agricultural areas. This means that reporting level 2 has been reached, which signals minor to moderate flooding. Due to the high rainfall in the autumn, the soil is heavily saturated and can hardly absorb any more water.

According to the current weather forecast, the situation is expected to worsen over the Christmas holidays. A major flood with flooding of properties, streets or cellars is possible. Warnings for individual regions would be issued via warning apps, among other things.

Cross-border flood portal

Read also:

  1. Despite the bad weather conditions in Germany, especially in Lower Saxony, Hanover was still expecting visitors for the Christmas market.
  2. Despite the critical flood situation throughout Lower Saxony, the city of Hanover relied on its advanced water management systems to prevent floods in the city.
  3. In light of the flood risk in Lower Saxony, many people in Germany, including those in Hanover, were advised to download flood warning apps for real-time updates.
  4. The NLWKN, the Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation, had warned of possible flooding due to the storm depression "Zoltan" moving across northern Germany, including regions in Lower Saxony and Hanover.
  5. The bad weather in Germany, including the heavy rainfall and storm depression "Zoltan," had led to a flood situation in Germany, particularly in Lower Saxony and the city of Hanover, posing a significant flood risk for properties, streets, and cellars during the Christmas holidays.


