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Warning issued by Putin, indicating that NATO would potentially be engaging in conflict with Russia if they permit Ukraine to utilize Western long-range missiles against them.

The Russian president expresses that the Ukrainian military lacks the ability to utilize advanced, high-precision long-range weaponry without external aid from the West.

In the year 2024, on September 12, Russian President Vladimir Putin orates at the United Culture...
In the year 2024, on September 12, Russian President Vladimir Putin orates at the United Culture Forum, situated in the stately Hermitage Hall, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Warning issued by Putin, indicating that NATO would potentially be engaging in conflict with Russia if they permit Ukraine to utilize Western long-range missiles against them.

The Russian leader stated that if NATO nations, specifically the U.S. and European countries, engage in conflict with Russia, their response will be adapted to the shifting nature of the threats they face.

As per the Russian president, the Ukrainian military lacks the ability to effectively utilize advanced, long-range, high-precision weapons supplied by the West without external assistance in targeting.

The U.S. has already offered intelligence support to Ukraine, and has aided in targeting, although not with the current long-range weaponry under consideration.

According to Senior Fellow Dr. Stacie Pettyjohn from the Center for New American Security, additional intelligence resources could potentially be accessed by Ukrainian forces, depending on the target, such as commercial satellite imagery.

During a press conference on Thursday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed that the U.S. continues to provide intelligence support to Ukrainian forces, but remained silent on the possibility of increasing intelligence sharing.

It was in October 2023 that the U.S. first equipped Ukraine with long-range Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) missiles, reaching approximately 186 miles. Kyiv has pushed its allies to allow the deployment of weapons systems capable of reaching further into Russian territory.

Defense Minister Rustem Umerov expressed to CNN’s Alex Marquardt that Russian airfields bombarding Ukrainian cities fall within the range of deep strikes. To date, Ukraine has employed its existing supply of long-range ATACMS to hit vital Russian assets in occupied Crimea, including air defenses, ammo storage facilities, and airfields.

The Russian leader's warning about NATO's actions affecting their response extends beyond their immediate borders, potentially impacting the global political landscape of the world.

Considering the escalating tensions in Europe, the international community should closely monitor the evolving situation between Russia and the Western nations in Europe.

Aerial photos reveal the wreckage of Russian aircraft at the Belbek Airbase in annexed Crimea on May 15, 2024.

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